Comments on: 5 Things to Consider Before Becoming Your Own Boss When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Wed, 30 Mar 2016 03:29:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Stephen Wed, 30 Mar 2016 03:29:53 +0000 I have long considered becoming my own boss. I’m slowly trying to put that in motion thru income properties to limit my risk but it’s still a very daunting task.

By: Jamie Sun, 27 Mar 2016 01:15:39 +0000 Becoming a boss is really my dream. I want to put up a business that I head, though I know it has lots of risks. I think Kayla that doing it on a part-time basis first is a good advice so that I gauge how ready I am in doing it full time.

By: Money Beagle Fri, 25 Mar 2016 18:03:58 +0000 I think that everybody needs to consider whether they have the personality for doing so and that has to be one of the first things. Many people might not have the risk tolerance to make this move into being your own boss. Others many not have even a thread of financial security that they would need for the time to build things up.

To be clear, I’m not advising pessimism, just realism. It’s like watching the 12th guy try to open a restaurant in a location that has had 11 straight failures and asking “Are you truly being honest with yourself about your chances here?”
