Comments on: 7 Things I Refuse to Pay For When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Tue, 04 Aug 2015 19:53:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: thestarvingartistcanada Fri, 06 Sep 2013 23:27:53 +0000 I pay for tire changes, although I time them to service intervals and try to get the garage to do it for free. (They often do).

I’ve injured myself too many times while changing tires. (They are heavy… tall people shouldn’t lift heavy things as it’s a mechanical disadvantage) Nothing quite like being laid out on your pack in agony for 4-5 days (and missing work as a result) because of it.

I can’t afford the risk.

Same goes for renos. I can not afford to get injured. (The perils of being self-employed… no sick time, no workers comp. If I can’t perform, you don’t get paid).

And you’re exploiting your family and that will cost you something of your time in return. It’s not free. Labour of love? Perhaps.

By: Simple Rich Living Tue, 24 Jan 2012 05:47:19 +0000 You are so handy! I agree with all your points except I am not very handy at all.

By: Shinta Sun, 22 Jan 2012 07:01:38 +0000 I jump on ING wagon a long time ago for savings, and once their chequing account hit the ground, I go to TD Bank and tell the Teller I want to close my chequing. I got hit by fees because I don’t have the minimum of $2500 in the TD chequing (they increased the minimum just because they open on Sunday). What person want to leave that much money hanging with no interest!. Not only I increase my interest from ING (since they don’t do minimum, I move majority to my ING savings). I have accumulated enough to get a much needed SPA within just half a year! eat that TD!
Did I mention the ING chequing Interact card is able to be used in most credit unions banks, which is everywhere..saved me gas and very convenient!

By: fabulouslyfrugirl Wed, 18 Jan 2012 03:02:35 +0000 I love your new layout! 🙂

I do pay for tire change, but it’s only $5/tire 🙂

I agree with you for bank fees. 2012 is the year of $0 bank fees!

By: Mikhaila Wed, 18 Jan 2012 02:31:23 +0000 I am so with you on the ING thing. Now that I can see how much I’ve saved in fees ($85) since I switched over, I can’t believe I was wasting that much money just accessing my account! I also have really light eyebrows and leg hair, so I save that way too. I used to get my brows done (waxed & tinted), but couldn’t shell out the $20-30 it costs here to do it every few weeks.

After moving 14 times in the past 8 years, I’ve gotten pretty good at packing up my stuff and getting it from point A to point B. However, this year, I’m paying people to move it all for me. I’ll pack everything up (using empty boxes hoarded from work) and rent a vehicle, but there’s no way I’m doing any of the heavy lifting this time, and to me, that’s worth the money! I also live on a very steep hill, so loading up is going to be a bitch – I’ll leave it to the professionals.

By: Daisy Wed, 18 Jan 2012 01:47:13 +0000 In reply to eemusings.

LOL! Well, if you still want to go ahead! It’s interesting to see everyones point of view as to what they’ll pay for.

I can definitely see the necessity of paying for a moving truck. We live in a 480 sq foot apartment right now, so we can’t have a lot of stuff!

By: eemusings Tue, 17 Jan 2012 23:55:03 +0000 Oh, how funny! I was just thinking about doing a post on this exact topic the other day.

I’ve moved almost every year since leaving home, and the first few moves were free as I didn’t have much stuff (especially large stuff) so friends’ wagons/utes/vans did the job. Now I am happy to pay the $75 to hire a proper truck for a couple of hours now that we have more furniture. If the timing works, I can also borrow the courier van from work to use after hours.

By: Miss T @ Prairie Eco-Thrifter Tue, 17 Jan 2012 19:00:48 +0000 Great post. You are lucky you have blonde hair. I don’t and have to pay for hair removal. It isn’t fun. As far as house cleaning goes, we hired a service a number of months ago and it has been awesome. It has freed us up to work on more important things and it really hasn’t cost that much money. We worked it into our budget. I would say it has been a blessing and we can make money now that we have more time.

By: From Shopping to Saving Tue, 17 Jan 2012 15:44:19 +0000 I like your new layout!!!! You are so lucky you have a ton of people that will help you with renos and building, etc. My BF is amazing at repairs, car stuff, electric, plumbing and handiwork but not so much with renovations. We are looking to expand our place right now so I may be coming back here to ask you for some tips:)

I don’t pay for a lot of the same stuff you do especially any car stuff. I once paid to get my car washed and I felt guilty and they didn’t even do a good job.

Hope everything is going well and you are starting to bring lunch to work again!

By: Daisy Tue, 17 Jan 2012 14:06:01 +0000 In reply to Melissa.

I could definitely see why. I actually painted as a job last year, so by now I’m pretty quick and I really don’t mind doing it. Plus, my type A self loves to tape the ceiling and baseboards and seeing that nice little neat line separating the two (Yup, I’m neurotic).
