Comments on: Go Green to Save Money – Part 1 When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Mon, 28 Nov 2016 19:17:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Go Green to Save Money: Part 2 « When Life Gives You Lemons Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:31:13 +0000 […] In part one of this series, I described several different ways to reduce waste while also being “green”. […]

By: 101 Centavos Sun, 06 Nov 2011 23:28:51 +0000 I recommend organic vegetable gardening as a go-green way. But then, I’m a little biased.

By: centsofacountrygirl Thu, 03 Nov 2011 13:48:57 +0000 I love vinegar – it’s my go-to cleaning product. I use double-strength vinegar on my really tough messes, like cleaning up rust stains, lawn furniture or salt stains out of the car mats.

Low-flow shower heads are a great way of reducing how much water you use too.

By: Carrie - Careful Cents Wed, 02 Nov 2011 18:44:01 +0000 My sister uses these little reusable baby food bottles and she purees the Twins food to put in them. It’s pretty impressive. She’s always getting me to be more green, and because of her I actually use reusable water bottles instead of carrying around a water bottle.

Going green starts with each ONE of us, we all can make a difference if we just start small.

By: carefulcentssmith Wed, 02 Nov 2011 18:41:41 +0000 In reply to LC.

Oh, I must try your microwave trick. I love anything lemony smelling, and cleaning the microwave is hard, but this should make is easier for sure. Thanks LC

By: My money, my life Wed, 02 Nov 2011 14:24:21 +0000 Thanks for the tip re. essential oils. I tried vinegar as my rinse agent before, but didn’t like the sour smell it left behind. I think I’ll search for some safe-to-consume essentail oil, if there is such a thing, such as basil or lemon, to add it with the vinegar as a rinse agent.

I’ve been using vinegar and baking soda to wash my apples lately, particularly to get rid of the wax coating. I don’t know if it’s particularly good at removing the wax… there always seems to be leftovers, but it does feel good to wash my apples with an extra cleanser that is non-toxic and envirnomentally friendly.

I really want to try vinegar as Windex as well. Using regular Windex always activates my asthma.

By: LC Wed, 02 Nov 2011 13:53:10 +0000 Love this! And I have a trick for cleaning out a microwave: put a small bowl of warm water w/ a slice of lemon in it and nuke it for 30 secs – 1 min (depending on how hot your microwave gets). Remove bowl and the goop on the inside walls will wipe away clean!

By: Kamara Kroeker (@kamarakroeker) Wed, 02 Nov 2011 13:49:51 +0000 Brilliant post! I had no idea how much showers actually cost!

One of the best financial decisions (and health decisions for that matter) that I made was to invest in a large stainless steel bottle from Klean Kanteen. It cost me a bit of money to ship it to Toronto from the US, but it has paid for itself in savings, and it’s kind to the environment. I just cringe when I see people throwing recyclables like plastic bottles right in the trash!

And to those who think that going green won’t make a difference, they need to read this quote:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead.

I really enjoyed this post!
