Comments on: 3 Good Financial Habits From When I Was Younger When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Mon, 08 Jun 2015 15:43:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Money Pincher Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:03:39 +0000 I still check my accounts everyday (savings, investing, credit cards). I also track all the ins and outs in my excel spreadsheet, a habit I began back in 2006. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t overspending. I still have my spreadsheets. It would be interesting to take a snapshot of it and compare it to my current spreadsheet 😀

By: Alicia Tue, 05 Aug 2014 13:49:54 +0000 Yeah, there are definitely phases and steps into it. I doubt very many people just jumped straight into being super on top of their finances. Some might have been better from the get-go, but there is generally a slow optimization process that goes a long with it as we find the trade-offs of what we need, want, and where we derive our happiness.

I’m glad you were reimbursed that money from your CC. I once bounced a cheque and it was horribly embarrassing… but PC Financial was great about it and they reversed the NSF fees as a “one time good will gesture”.

By: Marie @ Financial Debauchery Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:41:30 +0000 I remember before when I was only 10 years old, I started saving money, I know I was a frugal type of person. And when my parents gave me $200 for savings, I put it in the bank and earned only a small interest, at least I didn’t spend it unlike what my brother did. 🙂

By: Kate @ Money Propeller Tue, 05 Aug 2014 10:24:42 +0000 During my younger years, money was not a problem with me because my father had really a good income and he always gave us what we want. I’m not financially educated before until I got married and everything changes. I had lots of mistakes in my life especially for being broke but now I’m trying my very best and learned from it.

By: Money Beagle Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:31:45 +0000 The daily review is huge for me. I spend about 5-10 minutes per day checking my balances and reconciling them on my tracking sheet. There’s always a gap between where you think you are and where you actually are, and by closing it on a regular basis with routine updates, you don’t let that gap grow to a big surprise.

By: Alicia @ Monster Piggy Bank Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:51:48 +0000 When I was also in my college days, I always read about personal finances. I believe that the more you educate yourself, the better your finances will be.
