Comments on: It Costs Money to Make Money: Gas Edition When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Tue, 04 Aug 2015 20:03:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Newlyweds on a Budget Wed, 16 Nov 2011 20:17:54 +0000 I honestly don’t know how much it costs me. I spend about 1 gas tank a week, which is about $55 right now, but that also covers the weekends, and we use my car only on the weekends.

I want to move closer to my job (I currently only have a 20 minute commute) but if we moved closer, I could essentially bike to work, or at least save a ton of money on gas, which would help since my husband will now be commuting an hour.

By: My money, my life Wed, 16 Nov 2011 17:40:30 +0000 It costs me nothing on the days I walk, and 3 dollars each way when I take the bus. But I also made the decision to live close to work, which happens to be in the downtown core and rent is super expenive. A busspass costs over $100 where I live, so I always add that cost onto the renting costs of any apartments that are not withint walking distance to work. So even though it doesn’t costs me much, if anything in terms of actual transportation costs to work, it is a costly factor in my overall financial picture.

By: eemusings Tue, 15 Nov 2011 23:12:03 +0000 Nothing on days I walk – otherwise it’s $1.50 one way on the bus, or maybe a few cents in petrol on the rare day I drive. (Although those are usually days I have to travel to meetings/interviews as well, so probably more than a few cents.)

I did take a pay cut and now work closer to home, but those things weren’t correlated – I took it for better worklife balance and fulfilment; the shorter commute was just a bonus.
