Comments on: My Phone Bill: A Horror Story With a Happy Ending When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Thu, 09 Jul 2015 19:47:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: exaro Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:38:51 +0000 I just came across this article via a link from another site. Given the original was written in the fall of 2012, the “deal” was in fact grossly over-priced. I switched from Telus, which refused to do anything for me to reduce my bill aside from the tinkering the author describes to adjust it <$5/mo. For $56 Fido gave me unlimited Canada-wide calling, in/out, anytime; 2Gb data; unlimited intentional text; visual voice mail and caller ID. This was a holiday-season promotion for which the regular price is currently $75 – still better than the author's plan for a much better plan and the same quality/coverage area as the industry leader in Canada, i.e. Rogers. Since I brought my own phone, no contract commitment was required.

Generally, the big carriers flanker brands – Fido, Koodo and Virgin are much better priced than their parent companies. They have eliminated long distance charges in Canada and never charge roaming fees for calls made/received anywhere in Canada, unlike Wind. Plus users get the network quality of Rogers/Telus/Bell respectively.

Wind works hard to hide its in-Canada roaming fees while boasting about its low rates for US roaming and has minimal quality network and coverage.

There are some excellent regional plans; e.g. people in Saskatchewan and Manitoba get far better prices than most Canadians, but these are not available to most of us.

In year's past the December holiday period was the best time of year to negotiate a mobile plan. This was not as obvious in 2013 and who knows what will happen in 2014. Public Mobile has already been absorbed by Telus, Mobilicity is on the verge of bankruptcy collapse and Wind is desperately searching for a buy-out partner (its business model is unsustainable and it has run out of money to upgrade its network). I don't expect prices to see a significant drop in the near future.

An hour's online research time should show $80 month is the most anyone should need to pay for voice and data unless that plan to constantly stream video to their smartphone.

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By: Mr.CBB's Weekly Blog Post Picks Oct 26,2012 - Canadian Budget Binder Wed, 08 Jan 2014 12:32:24 +0000 […] When Life Gives You Lemons- My Phone Bill: A Horror Story With A Happy Ending […]

By: SWOB Best Posts of October | Saving Without A Budget Thu, 08 Nov 2012 23:25:51 +0000 […] in life is better when you Add Vodka… so stop by and read up on an interesting story about Daisy’s phone bill […]

By: American Debt Project Tue, 30 Oct 2012 19:02:35 +0000 Talk about a great save! I really need to find a lower cost plan, and I pay for four phones (me, my parents and my BF). Our company doesn’t offer any corporate discounts though. I need to make this a priority!

By: Daisy Mon, 29 Oct 2012 03:40:53 +0000 In reply to Emily.

The bam would only apply if we weren’t already on a contract, haha. But also Wind only reaches so far and unfortunately the boy’s work is wide spread. There are a lot of areas in which he works that he wouldn’t get service.

By: Emily Mon, 29 Oct 2012 02:39:30 +0000 Sounds like you are in Vancouver. So, Wind Mobile? $40 month for unlimited data and minutes and texts. Bam.

By: thestarvingartistcanada Sat, 27 Oct 2012 19:07:40 +0000 Rogers is the worst of the 3 majors in Canada.

My contract with Telus is up. They are currently offering me a new 3-year contract that costs $55/m that includes top 10 numbers nationwide unlimited calling. 200 any-time minutes, visual voice mail, call ID, 1GB data, unlimited evenings/weekends.

All I have to do now is decide what handset to get.

By: End of October 2012 Favorite Blog Posts | Modest Money Sat, 27 Oct 2012 13:02:40 +0000 […] My Phone Bill: A Horror Story With a Happy Ending on When Life Gives You Lemons […]

By: Drop that Debt Fri, 26 Oct 2012 03:14:23 +0000 So glad you got such great savings. My work doesn’t offer anything, but it seems like there are some good deals. As a fellow Canadian, I feel your pain of terribly expensive plans!
