Comments on: Project: Weed Proofing the Garden(s) When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Tue, 07 Jul 2015 21:19:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Updates: June 1 – 8 | The Outlier Model Fri, 17 Jan 2014 19:16:48 +0000 […] Vodka is working on weed proofing the garden – a more expensive proposition than it […]

By: Douglas X. Lewis Mon, 08 Jul 2013 10:55:15 +0000 If you have ever done any gardening you are probably familiar with that terrible black “weed-stop” fabric that is often used. If you have ever had to remove a flower bed or just do a little renovation, this same fabric has probably been on the receiving end of an impressive string of four letter words. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, suffice it to say that after a nuclear attack, the only thing that will exist besides cockroaches and Twinkies is this fabric. Ironically, to be so durable it doesn’t stop weeds all that well. Go figure. Because I hate this fabric so much, I was excited to learn that a considerable number of people avoid it by using newspaper instead. I put the newspaper over the dirt 3-4 pages thick and then covered it with mulch. The newspaper will prevent any grass and weed seeds from germinating, but unlike fabric, it will decompose after about 18 months. By that time, any grass and weed seeds that were present in the soil on planting will be dead. It’s green, it’s cheaper than fabric, and when you decide to remove or redesign the bed later on, you will not have the headache you would with fabric.

By: KC @ genxfinance Mon, 10 Jun 2013 14:18:35 +0000 Nice. You have a really nice garden. It’s so green and healthy. Yeah, you would definitely spend money on it but it increases your house’s value.

By: Cait Fri, 07 Jun 2013 15:15:38 +0000 Ha! Nice to see your bark mulch in action 😉 it looks great though, seriously!

By: Holly@ClubThrifty Fri, 07 Jun 2013 12:39:24 +0000 I use Preen to weed proof my garden. I have to spread it once every few months but it does a pretty good job!

By: Elena @ Bad Back Pain Thu, 06 Jun 2013 05:44:45 +0000 Gardening projects seem to always cost a lot of money. Every time I go to Home Depot or Lowe’s, it ends up costing me $100-200 just for little stuff. By the way, using landscaping fabric for weeds is a smart idea. I do it in my backyard and it works like a charm 🙂

By: Lindsey @ Cents & Sensibility Thu, 06 Jun 2013 05:15:08 +0000 Tis the season, eh? We did a whole whack of weeding last weekend and then it rained cats and dogs for five days straight. We officially have a dandelion jungle – how does it grow so damn fast? I’m going to look into the mulch idea though – anything that stops the weed madness is worth a second look.
Your yard is looking good though! I would love to import you in to work your yard miracles here. 😉

By: KK @ Student Debt Survivor Thu, 06 Jun 2013 02:23:49 +0000 We don’t have a lawn or even a patio. It’s one of the things that just didn’t fit into our budget. It was 2-bedroom with no outdoor space or one bed with outdoor space and we picked the former. I hope some day we’ll have a lawn so we can be burdened with weeding 😉 Lawn looks lovely!

By: ND Chic Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:33:43 +0000 In reply to ND Chic.

Oops, your house.

By: ND Chic Wed, 05 Jun 2013 23:33:17 +0000 It looks very nice. It costs money to do proper landscaping but it will make you house sell that much faster when you’re ready. The fabric is the only way to go.
