Comments on: Protect Yourself From Financial Ruin! When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Tue, 07 Jul 2015 21:52:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michelle Fri, 29 Mar 2013 02:26:18 +0000 The only certain thing is uncertainty! The whole point to saving money, having no debt, etc is to prepare for when the metaphoric rain will come. Because the rain ALWAYS comes. Spinach and artichoke dip is delicious btw!

By: Mo' Money Mo' Houses Thu, 28 Mar 2013 22:55:17 +0000 Ooo I really want to see that doc!

By: Daisy Thu, 28 Mar 2013 22:03:38 +0000 In reply to John@ WILDaboutFinance.

I’m not sure, I’m Canadian 🙂

By: Nick Thu, 28 Mar 2013 16:48:51 +0000 I started networking for my day gig a few years ago and it took a while to get moving, but once I got my legs under me and showed people that I am trustworthy (key word “showed” and not “told”) it has been the single best career move I could have made. Good stuff.

By: John@ WILDaboutFinance Thu, 28 Mar 2013 15:18:43 +0000 Spinach and artichoke dip!?!?! How random, is that all the rage over there in the States right now?

By: Cat Thu, 28 Mar 2013 15:02:13 +0000 I really want to see that documentary – I’m so curious!

By: William @ Bite the Bullet Thu, 28 Mar 2013 13:43:45 +0000 For those who thought government jobs are the safest, take a look at this chart, compiled from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Job loyalty ANYWHERE is disappearing. Sad, but true. Your assessment of the economy going through a recession every decade or so is right on. The last bottom in the U.S. was 2009. The good news is we have a few years to prepare…

By: Canadian Budget Binder Wed, 27 Mar 2013 23:35:42 +0000 I agree that quitting a job to work as a self employed really does put someone in a position that is far different than working full time. I don’t know if I could ever make a full move like that but hats off to those that do. In this economy no one is safe with their jobs but one thing I think that is important is to keep educating ourselves,get experience where we can, volunteer, network etc. Do what you have to do to build up your portfolio of life so you are always one step ahead.

By: The Norwegian Girl Wed, 27 Mar 2013 21:59:10 +0000 Good advise, Daisy! Norway has been booming financially the last couple of years, while rest of Europe is suffering, and I honestly think that it can`t last forever. One day our little bubble will blast, and then we`ll stand there unprepared. Or that is, everyone else will. Not me. I`m going to prepare myself for an economy that might get tough the next 10 years. Good thing I`m such a saveaholic! 🙂

By: Goldeneer Wed, 27 Mar 2013 20:31:43 +0000 In the last 5 years, I have faced a surprise layoff, became a contractor with on and off contracts, updated my certification and am now in a stable job.

From this experience, I learned that nothing is secure and I should always be ready for change and emergencies. In response, I have achieved financial independence in only 5 years at 29, repaid my consumer debts and raised a portion of my emergency fund goal.
