Comments on: 2 Little Known Ways That Retailers Are Making You Fat and Broke When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Mon, 27 Apr 2015 02:30:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kayla Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:39:05 +0000 You make so many good points here. Yes, a part of our shopping (probably a large part) is due to our environment and advertising. There are so many uncounsious ways they advertise now too, like product placement in movies. Now that I’m more aware of these things, I find myself less affected by them than I was previously.

By: Jayson Wed, 19 Nov 2014 08:30:49 +0000 Done with the survey. I agree with you that environment dictates who and what you are. It is the same with the saying “Tell me who your friends are and I tell you who you are”, as simple as that.

By: Young Millennial Tue, 18 Nov 2014 11:56:52 +0000 There are ways you can fight the environment or select it. Instead of going everywhere in the store (which I love doing by the way), why not get your produce and only go to the aisle with the items you want to buy? Avoid the frozen section at all costs as well as the chips/cookie/pop aisles. Also, don’t go grocery shopping when hungry. Have even just a snack before leaving.

Lately because of my office location, I have been stopping by a market on my way home. This market only sells produce, meat, cheese and freshly baked good. There is no way to buy junk food even if you tried. This is more of an environment selection.

By: kay Mon, 17 Nov 2014 17:50:20 +0000 I saw a British documentary on this. I certainly understand why they do it. But it doesn’t keep me from resenting it! Good “wake-up call” post! 🙂

By: Green Girl Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:45:13 +0000 That is interesting about people buying more junk if they bought produce first. I never would have guessed. I heard another statistic about pharmacies… that they have a specified time limit on refilling prescriptions. Even if it can be refilled and ready in 5 minutes, they want the shopper to stay for 10 minutes to browse and probably more than they originally came for.

When I get tempted by junk food, I just read the label and 80% of the time, I will be grossed out enough to put it back on the shelf. 🙂

By: Kurt Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:15:51 +0000 I controlled my food buying impulses by getting truly educated about nutrition. Following the recommendations of the USDA is equivalent to following the recommendations of the dairy council, the beef council, etc. In other words, corporate interests control government diet recommendations. Just take a look at the background of those making up the USDA’s diet advisory committee. When you take the time and make the effort to learn what genuine science recommends about diet, you’ll recognize that about 80% of what’s on the shelf in the typical American supermarket is useless nutritionally, if not harmful. That will help you make healthy choices and quicken your grocery shopping! 🙂

By: Emily Mon, 17 Nov 2014 14:55:01 +0000 We’ve been noticing more and more junk coming home from the store. This week we didn’t get any and I have to re-program myself. Well if there’s no cookies, what’s there to eat?

I’d never heard that picking up the healthy stuff first leads to more junk purchases. I considered doing my trip in reverse, but then I’d be carting around my milk, and I hate milk being out at room temperature. They’ve trapped me!
