Comments on: Spending Recap of NYC When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Thu, 09 Jul 2015 19:55:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Travel Hacking | Canadian Travel Hacking - a Case Study | Suburban Finance Mon, 03 Mar 2014 09:01:21 +0000 […] just these two cards, within Canada or Continental USA. I wish I had known this before I went to NYC in 2012, and New Orleans in 2013 and spent thousands of […]

By: October Spending | When Life Gives You Lemons Tue, 06 Nov 2012 03:32:20 +0000 […] how much I have been spending from month to month. Because September was wonky due to the fact that I went to NYC and blew all of my money spent more than I thought I would,  I wanted to see how much I spend each […]

By: mrsplungedindebt Mon, 24 Sep 2012 14:21:09 +0000 Hubby and I went to NYC 2 years ago for a week with friends and loved it. Can’t wait to go back. For us a HUGE money saver was renting an apartment. The total cost/night was only 150.00 divided by 2 couples. It had a kitchen so we could cook some of our meals as well. The apartment was on the upper east side on a quite little street, it was nice to get away from the midtown insanity at the end of the day. Something to think about if you ever go back!

By: Helen Sun, 23 Sep 2012 02:02:28 +0000 That price seems very reasonable for a week in NYC. Everyone has their limit of what is ‘cheap’ or ‘worth it’ right? Seems like you had a great trip 🙂

Having said that, I think you did great for air fare especially since flying from one side of Canada to the other is prob $800 give or take $100. Its basically the same distance and you got the flight for half b/c you went to the US. How’s that for fair right?

By: CF Thu, 20 Sep 2012 15:35:35 +0000 You got a good price on the flight! I think Brian and I paid a bit more when we flew there. We paid a bit less for food, but we had an apartment, so we were able to cook and have breakfast at “home”.

By: Harry @ PF Pro Thu, 20 Sep 2012 01:02:13 +0000 NYC is so damn expensive! I don’t know how people do it, haha. I guess if you’re a local you can find some cheap spots but still. Hotels are ridiculously overpriced, if you ever go back look on craigslist or for an apartment rental. You can save a ton of money there.

I have quite a few friends that have lived/currently living all over the place so I visit them and get a little vacation out of it and a free place to stay. That way I only have to pay for flight and activities, it’s saved me a ton of money and I’ve had some awesome trips! Japan, NY, SF, Philly, etc. None of my friends are in Canada though!

By: AverageJoe Wed, 19 Sep 2012 14:40:04 +0000 I don’t know that it truly “cost” $2,300. If you were going to buy those clothes at home anyway and you received a discounted price, didn’t you just transfer your clothing costs from elsewhere in your budget? Really, your “vacation” cost was closer to $1,800, which sounds fantastic.

By: Untemplater Wed, 19 Sep 2012 07:22:55 +0000 I was going to say you got an amazing deal for staying in NYC, but now I see that your hotel was not actually in the city. Hotel prices can get crazy there. I don’t think the costs were outrageous. $500 is way more than I would spend on shopping on a trip, but I also don’t know what shopping is like in Canada. So if you were getting good deals I can see how that makes sense. I don’t remember noticing prices being a lot higher when I visited Toronto before, but perhaps Vancouver is different. Glad you had a nice trip!

By: Jordann @ My Alternate Life Tue, 18 Sep 2012 18:15:18 +0000 That seems like a lot for me, but I don’t really go on vacations per say, I tend towards weekend trips. Althought for my honeymoon, I’m spending a week in Cuba for over three grand, so $2300 for a week in NYC sounds very reasonable to me!

By: leslie Tue, 18 Sep 2012 13:55:58 +0000 I actually had this conversation about food portion prices with a friend the other day. After ordering two dishes at two different nyc restaurants (and we were still hungry even after the second!) we both agreed that while portion sizes might be large elsewhere in the US, they definitely are not in nyc! 🙂
