beauty Archives - PF Simplified When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Tue, 09 Feb 2016 17:24:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 beauty Archives - PF Simplified 32 32 Save vs. Splurge – When Should You Spend More on Beauty Products Wed, 20 Jan 2016 12:00:11 +0000 Because I keep my hair short (think Pixie style), I have to go get it cut every 5-6 weeks. That means I have a pretty steady relationship with my hairdresser. Last week when I was getting my hair cut I mentioned to her that my scalp has been extremely dry this winter. The first thing …

Save vs. Splurge – When Should You Spend More on Beauty Products is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

cosmetics-1022059_640Because I keep my hair short (think Pixie style), I have to go get it cut every 5-6 weeks. That means I have a pretty steady relationship with my hairdresser.

Last week when I was getting my hair cut I mentioned to her that my scalp has been extremely dry this winter.

The first thing she asked was the dreaded question, “What kind of shampoo do you use?”

Of course the “cure” according to her was going to be buying more expensive shampoo from her salon instead of using anything I could buy at Walmart, even though I do stick to the pricey end of the aisle there.

I don’t know about you, but it just about killed me to see that the shampoo and conditioner set she suggested would rid me of my dry scalp was going to cost $40! (I’m sure there are even more expensive options out there.)

When it comes to beauty products, do you really need to splurge on some of these things?

I did some research and here’s what I found out.

Save vs. Splurge: Shampoo and Conditioner

According to About Style, shampoo and conditioner is someplace you should save. They suggest that mainstream companies, like Pantene and L’Oreal, have put billions of dollars into research and their products tend to get the job done just fine.

The only time I would argue this logic is if you are having a serious issue with your skin or hair, in which case you should consider taking the advice of your hairstylist and/or doctor.

Save vs. Splurge: Mascara

I rarely wear a full face of makeup these days, but I still usually swipe on a little mascara. That said, I’ve been wondering lately how much difference there really is in different formulas of mascara. What do they put in them that can make your lashes thicker instead of longer, etc?

Yahoo Beauty said mascara is another place to save. In the article, celebrity makeup artist Marni Burton said, “Do you want length? Volume? Thickness? Curl? Many times it’s the same formula and only a different wand but they would never reveal that.”

Save vs. Splurge: Eyeshadow

One thing I’ve experimented with a lot over the years is eyeshadow. My personal recommendation is that you should splurge for higher quality eyeshadow.

Cheap eyeshadows don’t last all day. They fade, crease, and wear away. More expensive eyeshadow offer brighter, more pigmented colors so you can use less product, and they last all day.

Save vs. Splurge: Lipstick

This is where opinions are conflicted. Yahoo Beauty suggests you should splurge to get high quality color and moisturization. On the other hand, About Style says you should save on lipstick by buying a long-wearing lipstick at your local drugstore.

Of course, this whole save vs. splurge argument could easily be laid to rest if you decided to simply stop wearing make up, like my friend Gretchen did last year.

Now that’s a good way to save on beauty products. 🙂

What do you think? Are there any beauty products you spend more money on to get better quality?

Save vs. Splurge – When Should You Spend More on Beauty Products is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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4 Easy Ways to Save on Beauty Products Wed, 21 Oct 2015 15:23:17 +0000 One of the main things I was looking forward to when I quit my full-time job to work from home was not having to get up and stand in front of the bathroom mirror for an hour before leaving for work everyday. I knew that I’d save quite a bit of money by not having …

4 Easy Ways to Save on Beauty Products is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

brush-791306_640One of the main things I was looking forward to when I quit my full-time job to work from home was not having to get up and stand in front of the bathroom mirror for an hour before leaving for work everyday.

I knew that I’d save quite a bit of money by not having to buy as many clothes or beauty products as I did when I was working outside of my home. After all, there’s no one at my house to judge me if I don’t put on make up every morning. 🙂

Even though I was looking forward to re-directing that time and money toward other things instead of buying make up and beauty products, I still enjoy getting fixed up every now and then, even if it’s only to run a few errands around town. Luckily, there are lots of ways you can save on beauty products so you can look like a $1 million without spending that much! Here are 4 easy ways to save on beauty products.

Wear Less

This is the first thing I’m doing to save on beauty products. Sure I still use my cleanser, moisturizer, and other skin care products daily, but now I forego most of the color and other glamorous products unless it’s a special occasion.

Become a Beauty Minimalist

Being more minimalist with your beauty routine is an easy way to save money. I’ve always thought that the natural looks are the best route to go anyway. Whenever I see a girl wearing too much make up, my first thought is always “What is she hiding under there?” You never want to give off that impression to people you meet.

Find Double Duty Products

One of my secret weapons to save on beauty products is my CC cream. My CC cream takes the place of a moisturizer, sunscreen, foundation primer, and foundation all in one step. If I had to use each of those products individually I’d be looking at around $60-ish (or more) but my CC cream is only $20!

There are lots of other double duty products too. I know a lot of women who use a double ended stick that has a lip color on one end and a cheek color on the other. There are also some that have a thicker end for eye shadow and a sharp end for eyeliner.

Double duty products save money, time, and space in your bathroom cabinet. If you’re like me that’s a win-win-win. 🙂

Use Every Drop

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve squeezed the last drop (or so I thought) out of my foundation tube only to cut the end off and see enough to last me another couple of weeks. After I’ve squeezed out all I can get, I cut the end of the tube off with a pair of scissors and then I use my finger or a brush to scrape out the foundation little by little each day until it’s all used up. I just put the tube in a small Ziploc baggie to keep it from drying out in the meantime. I even go as far as to keep the baggie in my cabinet until the next time I need it. How’s that for savings!

Do you wear much makeup? How do you save on beauty products?

4 Easy Ways to Save on Beauty Products is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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What to do if You Can’t Afford a Louis Vuitton Bag Fri, 07 Aug 2015 13:20:03 +0000 Louis Vuitton handbags are a coveted brand of handbags that women of all backgrounds would love to own, from celebrities to the average woman. Louis Vuitton is one of the best known and most loved designers in the luxury fashion market and the brand’s designs can be found in upscale department stores and boutiques around …

What to do if You Can’t Afford a Louis Vuitton Bag is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

lv bagsLouis Vuitton handbags are a coveted brand of handbags that women of all backgrounds would love to own, from celebrities to the average woman. Louis Vuitton is one of the best known and most loved designers in the luxury fashion market and the brand’s designs can be found in upscale department stores and boutiques around the world. But if you can’t really afford a Louis Vuitton bag and you are looking for a less expensive alternative, the options are to buy a used bag or a replica.

Used Bags vs. Replicas

Used designer bags can be found on websites and at yard sales for less than the original designer brand name bags. The drawbacks can be the condition of the bags or the price, as some can still be quite expensive, if they are in good condition. The other option is to purchase a replica. High Replica offers quality LV replica bags in many of the most popular and
loved designs.

Save Money on Style

The main reason replica bags are so popular is the affordable price. Women who want designer style, but lack the financial means to purchase LV bags often purchase a knock off to enjoy the beautiful bags they want. When shopping for cheap LV purses, be very careful, as the quality can vary widely. Ideally, you want to find a replica that is a good approximation of the original brand name bag. Sometimes if it’s cheap, it probably looks cheap too.

What to Avoid

There are knock off LV bags sold in outdoor markets and online that claim to be made in the image of the brand name bags that look nothing like the designer bag. These replicas are easy to spot by anyone with even a little knowledge of this fashion house. In order to avoid this problem you should study the original bag in detail before you start shopping for a replica. This will help you weed out the lowest quality bags.

Quality LV Replicas

If you want to find a bag that actually looks like a genuine Louis Vuitton bag, it is important to focus on the whole bag and the smaller details. Begin by looking at the overall design to ensure that it is a bag that is made by the brand. Then, pay attention to the fabrics and materials, particularly the print of the LV logo that is found on the monogram bags. Last, look at the hardware, tags, and smaller details to get the best bag.

How to Compare Bags

When shopping in person, it is easier to compare the bags and see the quality, but that is not possible when you shop online. However, at High Replicas you can usually find the best deals. It is important to make sure that the pictures of the bags on the website are the replica bags, as some unscrupulous dealers will use photos of the original bags to sell their low quality replicas. Look at detailed pictures of the replicas to check the details.

Do you long for a Louis Vuitton bag?

What to do if You Can’t Afford a Louis Vuitton Bag is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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Why Alterations & Tailoring Need to Be Part of Your Clothing Budget Thu, 28 Jun 2012 09:17:23 +0000 This is a guest post by Well Heeled Blog, a 20-something professional with a nerdy interest in personal finance. In her blog, she writes about topics at the intersection of life & money, with frequent detours into food, shoes, and Argentine tango. Note: Daisy loves clothes. How you are dressed is very important, and a …

Why Alterations & Tailoring Need to Be Part of Your Clothing Budget is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

This is a guest post by Well Heeled Blog, a 20-something professional with a nerdy interest in personal finance. In her blog, she writes about topics at the intersection of life & money, with frequent detours into food, shoes, and Argentine tango.

Note: Daisy loves clothes. How you are dressed is very important, and a big part of that is how the clothing fits on you. It’s better to invest in clothing that is worth tailoring, rather than cheap alternatives. See some other posts about clothes here:

I have been spending money left and right lately, not only because I’ve purchased a few new pieces of clothing, but also because I have been altering a large portion of my existing wardrobe.

Alterations are now a permanent part of my budget

Back in 2010 I got a few pieces of clothing tailored. But then I fell back into my faking-a-fit or this-is-just-a-little-baggy shtick. Then I got engaged and CB found a suit. We found a very good tailor – she did an amazing job on his suit that fit well off the rack, but looks SO MUCH BETTER once it was contoured to his lines. I couldn’t believe what just a little nip and tuck could do. And so, I went down the rabbit hole.

Between January and now, I have also lost 10 pounds. Clothes that were too snug got perfectly right. Clothes that were right before, however, became way too loose. I started making weekly pilgrimages to the tailor. First it was a black sheath that was a little too baggy and the sleeves a little too long. After I got it back, I look Mad Men ready. Then the suit jacket and dress that fit me perfectly at the shoulders but gave me too much room around the sides. And a velvet blazer with a roomy waist, a lace dress that needs to be taken in, a silk blouse with an annoying gap at the bust… and the numbers add up! In the last month, I must have spent almost $300 on alterations. Here’s the thing, though, once I see how much better clothes LOOK when they are properly tailored, it’s difficult to go back to the days of accepting a mediocre fit.

Why alterations & tailoring make such a big difference

Most men expect to have their clothes tailored, especially when it comes to formal clothes. But many women (and I count myself among them) would rather buy two OK-fitting dresses at $80 each instead of forgoing one dress and spending the extra $80 on an alterations job on the remaining dress. Then I found a really great post from Kelly from Alterations Needed that talked about the lesson from What Not To Wear expert Clinton Kelly: get. everything. tailored. At the grand reveal of What Not to Wear episodes, the makeover subject always looks amazing in their new wardrobe. For the longest time, I didn’t realize that they would have ALL of their pieces tailored. Wow!

Making room in your budget for alterations is especially important when you are a “special” size – i.e. if you are petite, plus-sized, if you are one size on top and another on the bottom, if you are long-waisted for your height, if you are short-waisted, etc. Basically, unless you are a fit model, give alterations a try! When clothes fit and flatter, you don’t really think about “that dress hits the woman at the right spot on the knee” or “his blazer isn’t baggy at all!” You just think “that person is so well put-together.” And that is the magic of tailoring – it shifts the focus away from ill-fitting garments and instead emphasizes the wearer, who looks stylish, confident, polished.

The upside to all this tailoring, aside from looking better? Knowing that in all likelihood that I would need alterations on most pieces of clothes, I am also learning to look at new purchases with a critical eye and a new calculation. Am I willing to spend 20%-60% of its purchase price on alterations? If not, I put it back on the shelf.

Do you tailor your clothes?

Why Alterations & Tailoring Need to Be Part of Your Clothing Budget is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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What I Spend To Look Good: Skin Care Edition Mon, 28 May 2012 10:57:15 +0000 I’ve been thinking lately about how much women spend on makeup, clothing, and personal care, to maintain an appearance that really isn’t authentic. So I thought it would be interesting to take a look at how much I spend on aesthetics every year. But I’m going to start with skin care. I never used to spend a …

What I Spend To Look Good: Skin Care Edition is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

I’ve been thinking lately about how much women spend on makeup, clothing, and personal care, to maintain an appearance that really isn’t authentic.

So I thought it would be interesting to take a look at how much I spend on aesthetics every year. But I’m going to start with skin care.

I never used to spend a lot on my skin. Besides mild acne in middle school, I’ve been blessed with pretty decent skin; it’s not normally dry, and not super oily, and while it’s far from perfect, I’m sure this balance saves me some coin.

My skin-care routine is as follows:

1. Face Wash

I use two types of face wash – one for morning, one for night.

A) Burts Bee’s Garden Tomato Complexion Soap$6/Bar (4x/year) = $28

It’s been discontinued but it worked great. I guess I’ll have to find a new one.

B) Generic facial cleanser$10/bottle (2x/year) = $20

I am currently using one that I don’t think I’ll continue to use.

C) St Ives Apricot Scrub $8/bottle (2x/year) = $16

I exfoliate once every third day or so.

2. Toner

$7/bottle (3x/year) = $21

I use toner once per day. I currently use Neutrogena Deep Clean Dual Action Toner. It’s alright. I’m not attached to one toner over the next.

3. Pore Strips

$14.99 (3x/year) = $45

These things are magic. I use Biore Pore Strips. I use them maybe once a week until I run out and then I forget to buy them for awhile.

4. Face mask

$13 (2x/year) = $26

I use Biore Shine Control clay mask. I use this maybe once every two weeks and this is a recent discovery. I received this in a package of other Biore products one time, and forgot about it. It’s actually a really great mask.

5. Cream

$50 (4x/year) = $200

I used to use a different day lotion and night cream, but then I ran out of both, went to Sephora, and picked up one that could act as both.

Hope in a Jar by Philosophy gets a bad rap for smelling funky (and it does), but it’s really not that bad and I find it tolerable. I’m thinking of getting a lighter day cream just because, while this cream is good, it can make my makeup slide off during the day. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

6. Under Eye Cream

$0 = $0

I don’t use this yet but I’m definitely on the market for some. I’ve had it before, but ran out and didn’t replenish. I’m taking suggestions for that, too!

Total: $356

I definitely don’t spend as much on my skin as some people do. I don’t spend money on facials, mainly because I would rather get massages and pedicures when I go to the spa. I’ve never been to a dermatologist, and I’ve never done anything like microdermabrasian.

I am only 23 and I do expect to spend more as I age, but for now, my biggest skin expenditure is face cream.

How much do you spend on your skin care regime each year?


What I Spend To Look Good: Skin Care Edition is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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Why It’s Better To Skip Shampooing Every Day Fri, 19 Aug 2011 14:29:16 +0000 While some people think that washing their hair every day is a necessity, I am a firm believer that it’s not. In fact, shampooing every single day will, in my humble opinion, do you more harm than good. I have always had decent hair. When I was younger, everyone commented on it. As I got …

Why It’s Better To Skip Shampooing Every Day is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

While some people think that washing their hair every day is a necessity, I am a firm believer that it’s not. In fact, shampooing every single day will, in my humble opinion, do you more harm than good.

I have always had decent hair. When I was younger, everyone commented on it. As I got older, so did my hair, and it showed – it wasn’t as crazy shiny as it used to be, I started to notice split ends, and it became a little more temperamental. I didn’t invest in a good shampoo or conditioner, and my hair showed it.


I went to get my hair cut and highlighted, and I was going to a new stylist because my old one had moved. When I sat down in her chair, the first thing she did was comment on how dry my hair had been. She asked me if I washed my hair every day. I said yes, probably with a lip-curl and the whole “who doesn’t” attitude  (as if people are crawling with dirt and bacteria).

when to shampoo hair

I was chastised by my stylist and then set on the right track. Since then, my hair has bounced back a bit and is far shinier and healthier looking. There are a handful of reasons why you should skip washing your hair every day, on top of looking pretty.

1) Brittle hair isn’t cute.

Your scalp is made of skin. So are your hands. Think about what happens to your hands when you wash them a lot: they dry out.

Since your hair is fairly sensitive, and your scalp produces natural oils to moisturize your hair, washing it every day will strip your hair of crucial natural oils and leave your hair and scalp dry.

The drier the hair, the more brittle. Even pulling it up in a ponytail can snap your strands, so just think what washing it must do.

2) It styles better when it’s a little dirty.

It’s a fact. The extra oil is crucial for keeping styles in.

Ask anybody who gets their hair styled for any reason; it just doesn’t come out the same when your hair is clean.

3) It saves money.

This is a pretty silly reason to not wash your hair every day, if this is the only reason your doing it, but hey, if you are money motivated and super cheap, all the power to you.

Not only does skipping the wash save on shampoo and conditioner, allowing you to spend your hard earned money on the good stuff, which is really important, it also saves water.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t shower ever day. I do. But showering and shampooing takes double the time, if not longer, than just quickly exfoliating. Think about it: you have to get your hair appropriately wet, lather up the shampoo, then wait for forever for it to rinse out of your hair, then condition it. Leave that on for about 2 minutes, then finally take a few minutes to rinse the conditioner out of your hair.

Then, you have to blow dry it (if you have longish hair and want to style it). You are saving the environment if you only do so every second day, as a blow dryer (or any hair styling tool for that matter) sucks up a lot of energy.

4) Skipping a Shampoo is Green

See the reason above, as well as the fact that you would be saving water if you didn’t wash your hair every day and saving the environment from all of that extra harmful shampoo being rinsed down the drain. Bonus!

5) Washing your hair is dad for your color

If you have highlights, low lights, or any color, you know that it can be expensive and time consuming to keep up. Even if you don’t, your hair color could be much more vibrant if it wasn’t constantly exposed to the cleaning chemicals in water (lots of water has chlorine in it).

So this really ties into all of of the reasons above. You’d be saving your hair the damage of being coloured more frequently, plus you’d be saving your wallet money, plus plus the environment because of all of those chemicals.

So there you have it, friends. Three really great reasons for not washing your hair every day – hair health, environment, wallet, color and style. Plus, after awhile, your hair gets used to it and it won’t feel dirty after the first day.

Do you wash your hair every day?

Why It’s Better To Skip Shampooing Every Day is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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