shopping Archives - PF Simplified When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Thu, 08 Mar 2018 19:21:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 shopping Archives - PF Simplified 32 32 5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Pre-Teen About Money Mon, 14 Nov 2016 23:24:45 +0000 It is crucial that your child has an idea of personal finance at a young age. You want them to grow up knowing how to pay their bills and understanding what it means to be in debt. Here are five ways you can teach your child about personal finance that can also be fun and memorable. …

5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Pre-Teen About Money is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

good money traitsIt is crucial that your child has an idea of personal finance at a young age. You want them to grow up knowing how to pay their bills and understanding what it means to be in debt. Here are five ways you can teach your child about personal finance that can also be fun and memorable.

1. Take Them Grocery Shopping

Encourage your teen to participate in a “grocery day” with you to better understand financial literacy. Sit down with your child before shopping and go over your budget and your list. Explain to them how much you are looking to spend and the food you need for the week/month.

Have them help you coupon clip and try and make a goal to save a specific dollar amount. Take them with you to the store and have them help you look for each product. Make sure you stay within budget; you might want to consider bringing only cash with you so you don’t go over.

You can turn this into a fun adventure! This can make grocery shopping fun for the both of you.

2. Invite Them to Help You Organize Your Receipts

 After your holiday shopping, you might be stuck with a lot of receipts and bills. Invite your child to help you organize your receipts to understand how much expenses cost. Your child may be surprised to learn how expensive things can be. This might teach them to think twice before asking for luxury items next year.

Your child also may be interested in holding a job so they can pay for more discretionary expenses on their own. You could even teach them a little about tax on products when going through your receipts.

3. Set a Short-Term Savings Goal

Sit down with your pre-teen and ask them what their short-term goals are. They might not have an idea and that is OK. You might want to go over some of your short-term goals with them to help them better understand what they want. For example, maybe you want to plan a family vacation the following year or maybe save up for a new TV for the family room.

Pick a goal with your child and create a “savings jar” for that goal. Invite your child to contribute when they can. It can be very rewarding to reach your goal, especially if you reach it before you expected. Your teen will get motivated to help you — especially if it means they will be getting a vacation out of it!

4. Give Them Rewards Instead of Allowances

If your pre-teen doesn’t have a job, you might be giving them an allowance to spend on discretionary expenses. If this is the case, you might want to switch the allowance to a “rewards allowance.” Encourage your child to help out around the house with chores such as, cleaning, taking out the trash, doing the dishes or even helping with dinner.

If they meet each chore every week, you can reward them with an earned allowance. They will not only want to help out more, but they will realize you have to work for your money!

5. Have a Discussion

You can teach your child about money through games and lessons, but why not sit down and ask them what they know already? You might want to consider sitting down with your pre-teen once a week and discussing their financial goals, wants and needs. (You can track your financial goals, like building a good credit score, for free every 14 days on Explain to them how much things cost and the importance of a job.

You can even teach your child about money each time you pay your bills. You don’t need to discuss numbers with them, but instead show them how to use a check, bank account and credit card. They will thank you later.

This article originally appeared on

5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Pre-Teen About Money is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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Goodbye Bed Bath & Beyond 20% Off Coupon Fri, 07 Oct 2016 15:18:38 +0000 We are gathered here today to say farewell to the Bed Bath & Beyond 20% discount coupons, whose passing came on suddenly this week. Oh, dear 20% off coupon, you touched so many lives in so many different ways. You’ve been the perfect companion through all of life’s biggest moments, including my own. Your presence …

Goodbye Bed Bath & Beyond 20% Off Coupon is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

bed bath

We are gathered here today to say farewell to the Bed Bath & Beyond 20% discount coupons, whose passing came on suddenly this week.

Oh, dear 20% off coupon, you touched so many lives in so many different ways. You’ve been the perfect companion through all of life’s biggest moments, including my own.

Your presence was always a welcome one — I’d see your blue and white amidst the bills and magazines, and it was like seeing an old friend. Your reliability provided a strong sense of comfort, whether you knew it or not.

I grew up with you and shared the big life-altering moments with you. I remember taking stacks of you to the store so I could load up on shower totes, laundry baskets and extra long sheets in the fall before starting college.

This is back when you didn’t expire and they let us use several we’d saved in preparation for this shopping experience. As Mom took them out of her purse, we felt such pride in having you there with us.

And then, when I moved several states away, you were there again, helping me stock up my first apartment with pillows, kitchenware and a good reading chair. And, when Mom headed back home and left me entirely on my own, I found she’d left you there to support me again — including a note saying I had you just in case I needed anything.

You remained steadfast through the end, dear 20% coupon. It is a sad moment for us to say goodbye. Sure, you’ll be replaced with the Beyond+ loyalty program, which will include free shipping and 20% off each entire purchase, but no one could replace you. (Especially because this will include a $29 annual fee).

We never got to tell you just how important you were while you were here, using you every time you came along, but maybe you knew your value all along. That’s why you kept showing up. I’ll probably forever sift through the weekly ads looking for you, just on the off chance you changed your mind and came back to me. But, even if I don’t see you, you will live on in my memory, forever and beyond.

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This article originally appeared on

Goodbye Bed Bath & Beyond 20% Off Coupon is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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5 Money Savings Tips Every Shopper Must Know Sun, 18 Sep 2016 18:06:58 +0000 We all have to go for shopping. So, it is good to know some money saving tips that help you save money and also to shop like a smart person. Let’s find out what these are. Pick a Trustworthy Friend Don’t shop alone. Two minds are always better than one. It is good to pick …

5 Money Savings Tips Every Shopper Must Know is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

ChristmasWe all have to go for shopping. So, it is good to know some money saving tips that help you save money and also to shop like a smart person. Let’s find out what these are.

Pick a Trustworthy Friend

Don’t shop alone. Two minds are always better than one. It is good to pick a trustworthy friend while you are going for shopping. You need to pick you shopping friend wisely.

You don’t need to go with a person who pressures you to buy anything. You need a person with honest opinions. Your friend would be one who doesn’t let you spend money on useless things.

Focus on DIY

You are able to save a lot of money if you follow Do-it-Yourself approach. If you need gift for your friend’s or mom’s birthday then try to make gift at home first. Instead of hiring a painter, you can watch a video tutorial of room paint, get necessary tools and do your room painting like a pro. You don’t have to spend money all the time.

Check ehow,  instructables and similar websites, which help you check step by step guide of different tasks. No matter what you want to do at home, you can follow instructions and do it without any hesitation. This is how you can save money on shopping as you can create something better at home.

Learn to Save

If you want to save money, then you should learn how to do it. You can watch news channel which guide you how to manage your money in the most effective manner.You can also read some money saving articles and tips.

You don’t only have to learn, try to implement the best money saving tips and strategies while you are shopping.

Get Vouchers and Coupons

If you need something, don’t buy it quickly. You always have a chance to save money. All you need to do is to search for discount codes of this specific items for local or online store. You are able to get deep discount, if you wait for a while and do proper research.

Shop Off-Season

If you buy coats in winter,  the  price coat  won’t be affordable. However, y1ou are able to get them at half price during summer. So, you can plan shopping of all needed goods four month prior to a season.

This is how you are able to get quality goods for seasons and also at a very low price.

Doubtful? Don’t Buy

If you have some doubts regarding a product then you should not buy it. You should leave the store and think about this product later on. When you have free time at home, you will be able to think a lot about it and then to decide whether you need it or not.

Always take your time. If you buy a thing about which you have a doubt then it is possible that you waste your time and money.

Comparative Analysis

It is important to compare prices of same item on different stores before you actually do shopping. For this purpose, you can use Google Shopping, ShopZilla and some shopping comparative tools. When you use these tools, it will be very easy for you to decide what store is offering you the same product at a very low price.

Do you have more tips? Feel free to share with our readers.

5 Money Savings Tips Every Shopper Must Know is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

8 Ways Childless Adults Can Take Advantage of Back to School Sales Mon, 25 Jul 2016 11:00:55 +0000 Summer festivities are still in full swing, but back to school time is right around the corner. When you go shopping this time of year, you’ll likely notice a change in the atmosphere. Instead of bathing suits and red, white, and blue picnic plates, there are lists, glue, and paper. The stores are stocking up …

8 Ways Childless Adults Can Take Advantage of Back to School Sales is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

back to schoolSummer festivities are still in full swing, but back to school time is right around the corner.

When you go shopping this time of year, you’ll likely notice a change in the atmosphere. Instead of bathing suits and red, white, and blue picnic plates, there are lists, glue, and paper. The stores are stocking up on all of the new pencils, notebook paper, planners, and backpacks. The smell of new pens waiting to be opened, pencils ready to be sharpened, and the feeling of a perfect folder, all shimmery in the plastic – it’s intoxicating.

Childless adults might lament on the passing of time and remember childhood, but luckily, you don’t have to have children to take advantage of all of the back to school sales and specials. Even if you don’t have children, here are some ways you can take advantage of back to school sales.

Office Supplies

Now is the time to stock up on the basic must haves for your home office! Just because you don’t have children of your own, doesn’t mean you don’t need a fun folder or binder to spice up your office. Also, by taking advantage of these sales you can purchase school supplies and donate them to a local shelter or school program that gives away backpacks full of supplies to those children in need who can’t afford to get their back-to-school basics. This will make your donation dollars stretch further.

Plastic Storage Baggies

Plastic bags are a must-have for student lunches and are usually on sale during the lead-up to back to school. Take advantage of these prices and stock up for your kitchen. They are great for taking snacks on road trips and lots of other uses too.

Storage Containers and Boxes

August doesn’t just mean elementary or high school starting, it’s also college season! New freshmen moving into dorms, seniors moving into apartments – they both need plastic bins and storage containers to organize their new living spaces. As a childless adult, you can take advantage of this too and purchase what you need to get your home organized.

Lighting and Home Decor

Want to string some of those globe lights across your patio? Go look in the college section. They have pretty much the same product but for less money. Dorm rooms are no longer a plain white cell; they have become rooms to express yourself in. Comfy chairs, lighting, wall décor, rugs, are all sold for a lower price than usual during back to school sales. Some of these things can even work in a non-college decor theme.


Big brands and retailers have back to school deals on clothing and shoes. This is a good time of year to give your wardrobe an update and save money.


As summer winds down you can definitely take advantage of resorts and tourist attractions wanting to grab you one last time before you are booked up for the fall. There are lower prices and you can sometimes can nab a great package for a winter or fall vacation by booking during back to school sales.


A lot of  convenience food and snacks are on sale during back to school time. Things like chip packs, fruit snacks, and cereal go on sale to appeal to children who take their lunches to school. Grab some for yourself and relive your childhood, or use them as grab and go food when you schedule is packed or you have a road trip to pack for.

Laptops and Electronics

If you were thinking of buy that computer, now is the time to do it. As students get ready to go back to school, whether in college or high school, the prices and deals on electronics are great. Sometimes there are great packaged deals of a tablet with the cover and detachable keyboard, or a computer with a printer or desktop publishing software. These accessories can be expensive, so look for these bundle deals during back to school to save money.

As you can see there are a lot of sales that you can cash in on, while getting some great gear, even if you don’t have kids. Don’t ignore the back to school sale ads, there is something that you can get out of them as well.

If you’re childless, do you shop back to school sales?

8 Ways Childless Adults Can Take Advantage of Back to School Sales is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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10 Favorite Deals That Have Me Returning to Costco Mon, 08 Feb 2016 14:00:28 +0000 I don’t shop at Costco often, though I probably should given all of the money I save when I do venture in to fight the crowds, parking hassles and lines. It’s not a place you want to deal with if you’re only getting a few items. I rarely get out of my local Costco store …

10 Favorite Deals That Have Me Returning to Costco is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

CostcoI don’t shop at Costco often, though I probably should given all of the money I save when I do venture in to fight the crowds, parking hassles and lines. It’s not a place you want to deal with if you’re only getting a few items.

I rarely get out of my local Costco store without spending at least $100, which is one reason I don’t go there more than every two to four weeks. That’s a lot of money to thrown down at one time, though the deals almost always are worthwhile.

From time to time, however, I find myself with too many bagels — you have to buy two packages, and really, you can only eat so many bagels — among other things that are easy to get tired of eating after a few pounds of (insert your favorite food here) whatever.

But there are some things that I do go back for regularly because they’re such great deals that I feel foolish to buy them elsewhere. Here are my 10 favorite deals at Costco, though I’m sure I could list 10 more if needed. I’ve looked up prices at Costco and my local supermarket, though some may be approximations based on recent shopping trips. Prices will obviously differ by location.

In no particular order, here are my top 10 Costco buys:

1. Coffee

As I wrote last year, making coffee at home is saving us a lot of money. This includes buying a 3-pound bag of coffee beans every two months at Costco for about $15.

We buy a local brand that’s organic and tastes great, but I’m open to a Starbucks or Peet’s bag from Costco too. Most 3-pound bags sell for about $15 at Costco, which lets you grind the beans for free.

A 12-ounce bag of Starbucks coffee — four ounces less than 1 pound — costs $7.48 from I’m saving at least $7 per 3-pound bag at Costco.

2. Fruit

I’m always amazed at the fruit selection at Costco and the prices. I live in California and have no idea if the same fruit/prices are available elsewhere, but I’ll bet that even snowed-in places will have deals on fruit.

A pineapple costs $3, or about half of what it costs at my local supermarket, depending on the season.

I’ve also found incredible deals on kiwis (4 pounds for $6.49, and it’s organic), blueberries (1 pound for $10 of organic blueberries in the winter) and pears and oranges.

The problem is that like many things at Costco, you have to buy so much fruit at one time that you’d better be prepared to eat a lot of mangoes in a week, or plan on making applesauce all weekend or at least clearing out room in your freezer. The pineapple is the rare piece of fruit that Costco sells solo.

3. Nutella

A two-pack of 33.5-ounce jars of this yummy goodness are $12 — yup, 67 ounces of it in total — compared to a tiny 13-ounce jar at Safeway for $8.

Are you kidding me, Safeway? That equates to about 61 cents per ounce for the small jar vs. about 17 cents per ounce with the big ones.

Again, the problem is that with the Costco jars, we’re buying waaaay more Nutella than we need, and it’s not the healthiest snack in the pantry. But paying four times as much at the grocery store for something my daughter or I eat almost daily? Not going to happen.

If Costco would only offer such deals on the less-fat peanut butter we regularly buy on sale at Safeway, then we’d really be saving on our fat intake.

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4. Any paper products

Napkins, paper towels and toilet paper are staples that every household needs, and Costco provides quality ones at low prices.

I’m happy with its Kirkland brand of paper towels and napkins. A brand name of toilet paper is worth the extra cost, though it’s still a deal when compared to grocery store prices.

Because you’re buying in bulk, you’ll need to have room in the garage or somewhere to store it all. That’s good news in the long run, giving most families a month or more before they have to buy more.

5. Detergent

Dishwasher and laundry soap are some of the best deals at Costco. Like paper products, they won’t go bad over time and can be stored for months.

I’ve tried the Costco brands and haven’t been thrilled with the results, though your experiences may differ. We use laundry detergent from a major manufacturer — mostly because it works well in our high efficiency clothes washer.

6. A cheap lunch at Costco

The Costco food court isn’t nutritious — pizza, soda, hotdogs, ice cream and other such things — but it’s cheap. For less than $5 you can get a filling lunch there.

This is something I rarely do, though a $1 soda or $3 ice cream can’t be beat on a hot summer day.

If you want to be really cheap, roam the store’s aisles for free food sample handouts.


7. Meat

CostcoChicken, pork, beef, seafood and other types of meat are relatively inexpensive at Costco. I’ve especially found its chicken to be a deal at almost half the price of what I’d pay at a grocery store.

Meat purchases are usually in bulk, so be prepared to have room in your freezer and look for a lot of creative chicken dinner recipes.

I recently bought four pork tenderloins at Costco for $26, which is enough to feed my family of three for four meals. There may even be leftovers.

8. Cereal

For only $6.49, I recently bought a two-pack of Honey Bunches of Oats cereal. One box of the cereal costs at least $4 elsewhere.

This doesn’t look like much of a savings at first glance, but that $2.50 in savings is the minimum savings. A box of cereal at a grocery store can cost $5 or more.

Costco doesn’t have the variety that grocery stores do, but it should have a few types of cereal that your family will enjoy. And as with many things at Costco, cereal comes in a two-pack. Luckily, cereal doesn’t spoil soon if you don’t eat it within a few weeks.

9. Cheese

I don’t know if this is true at every Costco, but the store near me has an overwhelming choice of cheeses. From grated parmesan to huge blocks of British cheeses and cheddar, it sells enough cheeses to satisfy everyone’s tastes.

I don’t buy a lot of cheese at Costco, but it’s definitely a lot cheaper than what I’ve found at grocery stores.

If I had a bigger freezer, I’d buy a big block of cheddar and cut it into 1-pound squares and put them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer until they’re needed. Someday.

10. Rotisserie Chicken

At $5 a bird, the rotisserie chicken is a steal at Costco. Take it home and you’ve got a hot chicken dinner. Cook the leftover parts for chicken stock if you really want your $5 to go a long way.

At that price, it’s a lot cheaper than buying and cooking a whole chicken at home, and beats your local grocery store by a few dollars.

One difficulty — as is the case with many purchases at Costco — is that if you’re only going in to buy a rotisserie chicken at Costco, then you’re fighting the long lines, parking and other hassles there just to get a $5 chicken. Those few extra bucks may be worthwhile to spend at a grocery store without such issues.

Other deals at Costco

Those are the main deals I get at Costco. My favorites have changed over time — such as diapers and baby formula when our daughter was a baby — and I suspect they’ll change to other items when I reach retirement age.

There are probably plenty of deals I haven’t tried but should. Car tires, for example, are supposed to be a deal. I also don’t buy many clothes there, mainly because there isn’t a changing room.

And there are always unique items you find at Costco that make shopping there into a treasure hunt.

What are the best deals you find at Costco or other discount stores?

10 Favorite Deals That Have Me Returning to Costco is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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How to Build a Work Wardrobe on a Budget Wed, 27 Jan 2016 12:00:17 +0000 In my old pre-frugal life, my favorite hobby was shopping for new clothes, new shoes, new makeup, etc. I love shopping and one of my biggest excuses for why it was ok for me to shop was that I had to “look the part” for my office job. While it’s true that you need to …

How to Build a Work Wardrobe on a Budget is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

work wardrobeIn my old pre-frugal life, my favorite hobby was shopping for new clothes, new shoes, new makeup, etc. I love shopping and one of my biggest excuses for why it was ok for me to shop was that I had to “look the part” for my office job.

While it’s true that you need to bring an air of professionalism with you (and your wardrobe) to an office job, that doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money. It is entirely possible to build your first work wardrobe on a budget, and the truth is that as long as you don’t change sizes too much, these clothes should last you for years to come.

If you’re wondering how that’s possible, read on for some tips on how to build a work wardrobe on a budget.

Stick to One Family of Neutrals

Lots of articles about building a work wardrobe will suggest that you stick to neutrals. While neutrals are great, there is still such a thing as too many neutrals. After all, one of the often debated fashion faux pas of the work world is if it’s okay to mix neutrals, like black and navy or black and brown in the same outfit. To avoid that problem altogether, stick to one family of neutrals. If you like black stick to black and shades of gray for your work wardrobe. But if you like earth tones, pick hues of brown, tan, and cream for your neutral base.

Spend More on Shoes

Don’t try to save money by buying cheap shoes. When I worked in an office all I really wore were 2-3 pairs of basic shoes, flats, wedges, and heels. Instead of having lots of pairs of shoes that are low quality, keep the number down and spend more on them. Taking care of your feet is important, thus quality over quantity is a good rule of thumb for shoes. High quality shoes will be more comfortable and you’ll be able to keep them in your wardrobe longer than cheap shoes.

Choose Trendy Accessories

If you love to follow fashion trends but don’t have the money to replace your entire wardrobe every time something is “in” or “out” in the fashion world, stick to only buying trendy accessories. It’s often a lot cheaper to replace a trendy scarf every year or two instead of having to replace a trendy dress or skirt. Colorful and trendy accessories are enough to make your wardrobe seem fun and current without having to spend too much money.

Take Advantage of Company “Branded” Clothing Budgets

The office I worked in would allow us to spend up to $100 or so on “branded” clothing with the company logo each year. If your company gives you a budget for “branded” work wear, take advantage of it.

Use your budget wisely to replace items that need replacing in your wardrobe. For example, one year I used my clothing budget to buy a nice softshell coat for winter. I chose to get the company logo embroidered in black on my black coat. Even though I no longer work for that company I still wear the coat because almost no one notices it has the company’s logo stitched on it.

Limit the Number of Items You Own

The best tip of all when it comes to building a work wardrobe is to not go overboard. There are only 5 workdays in a week, which gives you 2 non-work days to launder your clothes. As long as you didn’t buy clothes that need to be professionally cleaned, there’s no reason why you can stick to only having about 2 weeks worth of work clothes. This will prevent you from wearing the exact same outfits every week, but you won’t be overwhelmed with too many choices in your closet or by having overspent your budget. Less is more.

Did you make any mistakes when you built your work wardrobe? What tips do you have for building a work wardrobe?

How to Build a Work Wardrobe on a Budget is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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What to do When You’re Broke During Christmas? Thu, 17 Dec 2015 12:55:20 +0000 There’s never a good time to be without money, or at least much of it. Being broke during Christmas can be especially tough. Being broke during Christmas happens to almost everyone at least once in their life when they discover there is more month than money, life happened, they didn’t plan well enough, or there just …

What to do When You’re Broke During Christmas? is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

broke during ChristmasThere’s never a good time to be without money, or at least much of it. Being broke during Christmas can be especially tough.

Being broke during Christmas happens to almost everyone at least once in their life when they discover there is more month than money, life happened, they didn’t plan well enough, or there just wasn’t enough extra money to set aside for the holidays.

Whatever your reason is, don’t despair. There are a number of ways to create a memorable Christmas without needing to spend a lot of money. Here are some:

Manage your family’s expectations

Make sure that everyone is clear about the family’s finances. If you have very small children they probably are pretty oblivious to most things in general.

Cat Alford of Budget Blonde specifically gave her infants very few toys because they are too small to remember what is going on. Don’t feel guilty about taking this approach to gift giving as well.

Manage your own personal expectations

A lot of people want things to be perfect during the holidays. Don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself.

Do the best you can with what you have — don’t go into debt or put yourself at risk because you have unrealistic expectations of what you can do this holiday season.

Repurpose items

Some people call this re-gifting. Regardless of what you choose to call this, it’s a great gift option for people who are feeling the financial squeeze.

Many of us will purchase an item and not use it. I have lost track of the number of times I’ve gone to Goodwill and found new clothing with tags still on. I’ve also lost track of the number of times that I’ve gone through my closet and found new items that I’ve never worn — with tags still on them. Give those items to someone who will use them!

Use caution when repurposing or re-gifting an item. Be very, very careful that you don’t give that item back to the person who originally purchased it for you. That is why I suggest starting with items that you know that you purchased.

Being broke during Christmas isn’t forever

Everything has a season. You might be broke during Christmas, but that doesn’t mean that you will be broke forever. Take time to practice gratitude and enjoy what you already have.

Challenge friends and family who aren’t broke during Christmas to also get into the spirit of things and make homemade gifts or coupons for services such as free babysitting, dinner preparation, or dog walking when they need it.

You will be amazed at how combining creativity, communication, and a well thought out plan will help you create a memorable and fun holiday, even if you’re broke during Christmas.

This post was written by Michelle Jackson, a personal finance and lifestyle blogger sharing her story at The Shop My Closet Project. Her goal is to help people cultivate their best life. When she’s not blogging or podcasting for Girl Gone Frugal you can find her riding her bike, going for coffee, or hiking in the mountains.

What to do When You’re Broke During Christmas? is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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Should You Shop for a Funeral? Mon, 09 Nov 2015 13:40:31 +0000 Comparison shopping is a natural shopping habit for many people. Whether shopping for groceries, clothes, a car or sometimes even a home loan, checking out the prices of competitors is a smart move by consumers. But the final shopping list of someone’s life — paying for a funeral — isn’t on the radar of many …

Should You Shop for a Funeral? is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.


Comparison shopping is a natural shopping habit for many people. Whether shopping for groceries, clothes, a car or sometimes even a home loan, checking out the prices of competitors is a smart move by consumers. But the final shopping list of someone’s life — paying for a funeral — isn’t on the radar of many shoppers.

Why? It can be that people don’t want to think that far ahead and consider their future death or a loved one dying. Shopping for a funeral can seem crass, especially at an emotional time in life when money isn’t likely to be considered an issue.

But even for consumers who shop around for a funeral, they can find it difficult to compare prices.

$11,000 difference in funeral costs

A survey by the Funeral Consumers Alliance and the Consumer Federation of America in October of 150 funeral homes throughout the U.S. found that only 25 percent of funeral homes fully disclosed prices on their websites, and 16 percent didn’t fully disclose prices both on their website and in response to an email and a phone call.

The price variations were substantial — from $2,580 to $13,800 for a full-service funeral, and from $640 to $6,800 for immediate burial. Prices of direct cremation ranged from $495 to $7,595.

Direct cremation was without a ceremony. Immediate burial was without a ceremony or casket.

A full-service funeral included the basic services of the funeral director and staff, transport of the body from place of death to funeral home, embalming, other preparation of the body, viewing or calling hours, funeral ceremony with casket present, hearse to cemetery, sedan or limousine for family, and graveside ceremony.

Lack of competition

“The huge price ranges for identical funeral services within individual areas indicate that these markets lack effective competition,” said Stephen Brobeck, CFA’s executive director, in a statement.  “The lack of price competition is unfortunate given the relatively high cost of funeral services and the reluctance of many bereaved consumers to comparison shop for these services.”

Here’s how the price information was obtained for the survey:

  • Found on website: 25%
  • Provided after an email: 29%
  • Provided after a phone call: 29%
  • Provided after a personal visit or couldn’t obtain: 16%

The Federal Trade Commission’s Funeral Rule was issued in 1984 and amended in 1994.  It requires funeral homes to provide only price information over the phone or a price list to those visiting the home.  It does not require disclosure on the websites of funeral homes.

“The FTC needs to require funeral homes to disclose prices clearly and completely on their websites,” said Josh Slocum, FCA’s executive director, in a statement.  “This disclosure will greatly increase consumer search for price information. It will also allow journalists, consumer information services, and consumer groups to much more easily research, compare, and report on prices.

FCA and CFA are submitting this research to the FTC and are urging the agency to update the Funeral Rule.

Should You Shop for a Funeral? is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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You’re Not Really Responsible With Your Credit Card Mon, 02 Nov 2015 12:57:48 +0000 If you get to work on time, exercise regularly and eat some fruits and vegetables every day, you’re a responsible adult. Your financial responsibilities, such as your credit card, are another story. According to an October survey by CompareCards, most people aren’t using their credit cards responsibly. That may not come as a shock to …

You’re Not Really Responsible With Your Credit Card is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

credit cardIf you get to work on time, exercise regularly and eat some fruits and vegetables every day, you’re a responsible adult. Your financial responsibilities, such as your credit card, are another story.

According to an October survey by CompareCards, most people aren’t using their credit cards responsibly.

That may not come as a shock to anyone who has used a credit card and considers themselves responsible with it. And definitions of “responsible use” of credit cards vary.

But if you think that not paying off your credit card balance in full each month is responsible, think again. You’ll be paying interest on purchases you couldn’t afford in the first place.

+50% think OK to carry credit card balance

The survey found that although many consumers have multiple credit cards and carry balances, the majority assert that they use their credit cards responsibly.

“Even though more than half of respondents don’t fully pay off their credit cards on a monthly basis, they believe they are using them responsibly,” said Chris Mettler, founder of CompareCards, in a statement. “This is concerning, as it reveals that many consumers may not be aware of just how much their spending habits impact their credit and long-term debt.”

Other survey findings include:

  • Almost a third (31%) of those surveyed have four or more credit cards, and an equal amount also use their credit cards very often for purchases.
  • A quarter of participants have less than a total debt of $100 across all of their credit cards, while on the opposite side of the spectrum, 21% have $5,000 or more in total debt.
  • Consumers vary in how often they fully pay their monthly credit card bill. 35% always pay in full, 19% sometimes pay in full, and 17% never pay in full.
  • Despite the varying behaviors of the participating consumers, a majority (71%) believe they use their credit card(s) responsibly.
  • Cash back rewards and low interest rates were the top two reasons consumers open a new credit card.

Pay in full or don’t buy

We’ll repeat a mantra we often consider when pulling out a credit card: If you can’t afford to pay for the item in full when the bill arrives, walk away.

You’re only setting yourself up for more debt and delaying payment on something you can’t afford. It can be a financial mistake you’ll regret.

Eat your financial veggies by paying your credit card balance in full each month.


You’re Not Really Responsible With Your Credit Card is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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How to Fake an Expensive Handbag Tue, 22 Sep 2015 13:38:50 +0000 Nearly any woman will tell you while they want their outfits to look fantastic; the right accessories can make all the difference when it comes to looking fantastic. This means having the perfect jewelry, shoes, hairstyle, wearing the right perfume, and, of course, carrying the right handbag. Having a designer handbag to bring with you …

How to Fake an Expensive Handbag is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

lv bagsNearly any woman will tell you while they want their outfits to look fantastic; the right accessories can make all the difference when it comes to looking fantastic. This means having the perfect jewelry, shoes, hairstyle, wearing the right perfume, and, of course, carrying the right handbag. Having a designer handbag to bring with you to any event or just when you are going out for the day can help set off your entire ensemble and make everything look perfect. Of course, affording just the right handbag can mean something else altogether. The top fashion houses like Louis Vuitton sell bags that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. However, you can get replica handbags and designer replica wallets for sale at very reasonable prices when you know where to look.

Finding the Right Location

When you take a look around on the Internet you can easily find hundreds of different websites that offer replica handbags for sale. In many places, including some of the well-known auction sites, you can find cheap LV replica bags and purses that claim to be just like the original Louis Vuitton handbags you see sold in the top designer stores today. You do want to be careful about who you are buying your bags from so that you can be sure you are using a quality source for your bags that puts in work to make each bag look like real thing. There is nothing worse than spending hundreds of dollars on a replica only to receive it and see poor craftsmanship and that it looks nothing like the bag you wanted. In order to be sure you get the best LV replica handbags possible you want to do all of your shopping at Bags Heaven.

Choosing the Best Site

Bags Heaven gives you the best options when you are looking for designer replica bags either as a single bag purchase or if you are looking for wholesale Louis Vuitton handbags that are replicas. The company has developed a reputation of producing near-flawless replicas of accessories from all of the major designers in the world today. They examine every detail of each original bag so that they can be sure to duplicate each aspect perfectly. This helps to provide the customer with a bag that looks and feels as close to the real thing as possible but costs significantly less than what you would pay at a high end retail store.

When you really want to make the bold fashion statement that can be made when you carry Louis Vuitton but do not have the means to spend thousands on a bag, turn to the options available to you at Bags Heaven. You will find all of the most popular and latest styles and designs available to you at prices that seem almost too good to be true. This allows you to get just the bag you have been looking for so you can have the look that you want the most.

How to Fake an Expensive Handbag is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.
