vodka Archives - PF Simplified When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Thu, 02 Jun 2016 15:15:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 vodka Archives - PF Simplified 32 32 3 Alternative Uses for Vodka Tue, 26 May 2015 16:32:15 +0000 The spirit vodka, which is excellent with a dash of lemon juice, represents the second best thing to be done to grains after pizza dough. The term “vodka” comes from Russia — it is the diminutive of “voda,” meaning water. No wonder the drink has got this name — it is as clear and (sometimes) refreshing as …

3 Alternative Uses for Vodka is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

lemondrop3.jpgThe spirit vodka, which is excellent with a dash of lemon juice, represents the second best thing to be done to grains after pizza dough.

The term “vodka” comes from Russia — it is the diminutive of “voda,” meaning water. No wonder the drink has got this name — it is as clear and (sometimes) refreshing as fresh spring water, don’t you think? But let’s forget about vodka being a drink for a moment, and take a look at some other uses for this fiery spirit.

Vodka is a favored drink among a lot of people. Not only is it versatile but it is does not have an intimidating taste such as wine, and so it is a favorite among light drinkers. Alcohol is expensive in many restaurants and clubs, but having some vodka is a great element of socializing at venues such as clubs and casinos.

Save on a bar bill

At casinos in particular, players are often tempted to buy drinks as they play and run up a large bill. Waiters make drinks look attractive to players. A good solution to save money while gambling would be to play at an online casino and save on the drinks bill. There are so many reputable online casinos to choose from. All Slots Casino is one such casino and you don’t even have to download the software. Instead you can play at the All Slots.

As with all other spirits, no matter if they have grains, fruit or other ingredients at their origin — contain a significant percentage of alcohol — which is a solvent, among other things.

Alcohol is among the most versatile solvents that you always have at hand. It dissolves a series of everyday materials you can come across — essential oils, balsams, fatty acids, hydrocarbons, resins, soaps, sugars, most vegetable alkaloids, and a large number of pharmaceutical drugs. As such, alcohol is perfect for cleaning glasses and windows, painlessly removing band aids, cleaning caulking around bathtubs, washing down ballpoint pen marks from clothes or the skin, and some say it’s also great to dissolve problems.

Alcohol as a disinfectant

Alcohol, besides being a versatile solvent, is also a great disinfectant, which is also known to tighten the pores on the skin. This makes vodka an indispensable thing to take with you on when you go camping. It can double as a disinfectant in emergency situations and as an after shave — if you’d rather be well groomed when meeting the bear in the woods.

When at home, you can add vodka (in moderate amounts) to your shampoo — it cleanses the scalp and stimulates hair growth. Take it to the beach with you for instant relief for sunburn (it cools the skin as it evaporates, but it also dries it, so apply with precaution), and as an equally instant relief in case you get stung by a jellyfish.

Vodka is useful for oral hygiene, too — but not in the way you imagine it, by washing your mouth with it every morning. An old recipe says that if you mix nine tablespoons of powdered cinnamon with one cup of vodka, let it sit in an airtight container for two weeks, and then strained, you will get a perfect mouthwash that will disinfect your mouth perfectly. Just make sure you don’t swallow the mixture. Besides, a shot of vodka swished over an aching tooth will provide emergency pain relief — alcohol will act as a local anesthetic, numbing the area and alleviating pain.

Even if you are against alcohol consumption, vodka should have a place in your home — either in the medicine cabinet, or in the freezer, whichever you prefer.

3 Alternative Uses for Vodka is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.
