Comments on: The Life Insurance Movement When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Thu, 09 Jul 2015 20:03:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Are You Overinsured? | Suburban Finance Fri, 01 Aug 2014 08:02:01 +0000 […] There are many other types of insurance that are completely optional and it is up to the individual to decide whether they will be buying it. These include home, pet, tenants, and life insurance. […]

By: Katie C. Fri, 14 Sep 2012 12:52:31 +0000 I felt the same way up until I was diagnosed with AVM. Now I’m freaking out because, if something happens to me, my unemployed husband is going to have a hard time paying the bills. He tried to convince me to get life insurance late last year, but I was too busy paying off debt. Luckily, we don’t have any joint debt, and he wouldn’t be held responsible for my medical bills because we’ve kept all of our debt/finances separate up to this point. I always thought it was silly when people said they wanted to leave enough money for their family to pay off their mortgage or live a well-off life (assuming one person could pay the bills without the other). But now that I’m facing something that, frankly, could kill me… I wish I had signed up for it back when it was going to be inexpensive. I’d be feeling a lot better about the prospect of death if I knew David was going to be able to pay the bills and finish school without me.

By: shanendoah@the dog ate my wallet Mon, 27 Aug 2012 18:27:13 +0000 We actually are with our insurance agent because C overheard the following coversation between him and a nother member of his bowling league (C worked at the alley at the time)
Youg Guy (YG): Hey, I need to talk to you about life insurance
Insurance Agent (IA): Sure, no problem. I didn’t realize you had kids.
YG: I don’t
IA: Planning on getting married soon?
YG: No
IA: Do you have younger siblings you’re worried about your parents not being able to take care of?
YG: No
IA: Then you don’t need life insurance. You should be putting your money toward retirement.

By: Weekend Business and Blog Roundup – Aug 25th | Freedom Thirty Five Blog Sun, 26 Aug 2012 03:17:54 +0000 […] you need life insurance? Not everyone does. If you’re in the same boat as Daisy from Add-vodka then you may want to wait until you have dependents some […]

By: Sandy Sun, 26 Aug 2012 00:24:00 +0000 Like you, I too opted out in my twenties. No one else would be responsible for my debts if I died nor was anyone dependent on my income. I’m 34 now and just looking at buying life insurance (outside of work) because I am just ready to be married and possibly have a family. They’ll need to replace my income if I keel over.

By: Drop that Debt Sat, 25 Aug 2012 03:26:32 +0000 I’m so with you. No insurance for me. Once I have kids, sure. But for now it’s just fine ! And here’s hoping your internet stalkers just keep on a stalking from afar. 😛

By: The Life Insurance Movement: I'm Indifferent | When Life Gives You … | Permanent Life Insurance Quote Fri, 24 Aug 2012 19:35:22 +0000 […] the original here: The Life Insurance Movement: I'm Indifferent | When Life Gives You …  Posted by admin at 7:34 pm  Tagged with: 36-25-per, debt-on-only, for-kids-, […]

By: Blog Round up for August 24, 2012 Fri, 24 Aug 2012 11:08:01 +0000 […] The Life Insurance Movement: I’m indifferent by Add Vodka Be Sociable, Share! TweetRelated posts: […]

By: Country Girl Fri, 24 Aug 2012 03:17:10 +0000 I feel the exact same way about life insurance right now. It’s not really an expense I need to pay. I have no dependents, my debt would be covered through my life insurance at work, and I’m still young. I’d rather keep that $300 and sign up for some fitness classes – that seems like a better kind of life insurance for me…although, it won’t really matter how fit I am if I forget to look both ways when crossing the street and get creamed by a truck 😉

By: SB @ One Cent at a Time Fri, 24 Aug 2012 03:07:29 +0000 and there you have my nod of agreement. Not every one needs a life insurance.
