Comments on: Tips on Retaining Younger Workers When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Tue, 07 Jul 2015 21:27:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Mon, 19 Aug 2013 23:16:06 +0000 Ha! I should get my work to read this. But I’m not sure it would get through. It also probably doesn’t help to be in a highly unionized environment where seniority rules.

I stick around for the great pay and benefits. Gotta pay off them student loans and beef up some savings afterwards. I guess it ain’t all bad: I have highly educated friends who are searching for good work!

By: Updates: May 12 – 18 | The Outlier Model Mon, 20 May 2013 23:00:27 +0000 […] Add Vodka suggests some ways to retain young workers. […]

By: Brian Fri, 17 May 2013 18:53:08 +0000 I agree, and luckily I’ve been given these opportunities with my current company. But still, if a better opportunity came along, I would still take it. You owe it to yourself to find the best employment situation possible.

Most managers are not good at grooming people for advanced roles, so looking for a good manager is almost as important as looking for a good job.

By: Firstgenamerican Fri, 17 May 2013 08:16:53 +0000 Great tips. He most ambitious ones are the staff you should want to retain he most. I think another thing that can make or break a working environment is how many other young people are there. When I started my job there were over 60 “trainees” like myself in the town I lived. I had friends who were the only people under the age of 50 at their company. This can make a huge difference in your happiness when you move to a new town and there is a big group of people you can hang out with. Plus, it forms a great network for you 10 and 20 years out. These are the people leading the companies when your older staff exits the workforce. .

By: CashRebel Thu, 16 May 2013 22:34:22 +0000 Im a twenty something young professional and I’ve been with my company for 22 years. Im exceeding expectations at every review, but there are no opportunities for promotions in my field. I want to stay with them because it’s a great company, but im starting to think about what else might be out there.

By: Canadianbudgetbinder Thu, 16 May 2013 03:50:59 +0000 You are right they don’t want to wait around because the next organization to splash some experience and growth opportunities in their face, you will get their resignation letter. The young generation should champion the organization and the organization should invest in making the employees of the company the brains to make the motor run. What I mean is by investing in employees by education, fun activities, perks and leadership roles if they fit in them gives them the bond that they need. Once someone feels that they are part of the organization they get out there and pound the pavement for them. IF the company grows, incentives may grow, pay rises may come about.. they want to see the business survive but they also want to be learning new, fun and exciting things. It’s a package deal sometimes, and one that an organization needs to find what works and what doesn’t. Sometimes, simply asking the employees is the easiest route. Great post.

By: Savvy Financial Latina Thu, 16 May 2013 01:27:15 +0000 This is a great article. There are so many baby boomers in our company, I think they forget they will eventually have to retire. They see our young generation as entitled. But….they don’t remember what they went through. Civil Rights movement?Vietnam?
