Comments on: Using Your Credit Card When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Tue, 04 Aug 2015 20:13:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: thestarvingartistcanada Sat, 31 Aug 2013 19:17:57 +0000 I have one of those swanky black 1/2/4% cash back cards. I usually get about $1000 a year back from the CC company.

Use cash? Use debit? I’m not about to throw away $1k.

By: My Visa was Compromised. « When Life Gives You Lemons Mon, 03 Oct 2011 10:07:57 +0000 […] the dinner, I went to go pay with my Visa. Because credit Cards area awesome. The machine was telling the waiter that I had to call in. I had to pay with debit, going into […]

By: NDChic Wed, 08 Jun 2011 05:33:21 +0000 I recently got a credit card that I’m trying to use for most things to accumulate the rewards points. I like it but it does get confusing for me. I would prefer to just use my debit card and check my account online to balance my checkbook. It seems to take a longer time for transactions to show up on my credit card online. I guess I will have to see if the rewards make up for the inconvenience.

By: eemusings Wed, 08 Jun 2011 05:25:48 +0000 Yep. Basically, if I must spend money to live, then you bet I’m going to take every reward I can get along the way.

By: C.M.C. Tue, 07 Jun 2011 10:59:29 +0000 As soon as I finish repaying all of my debt, I do plan to use my credit card for all monthly recurring expenses and simply pay them back at the end of the month. I have earned $94 since last year on my Discover Card simply for using it and getting Cash Back rewards.
I won’t use it for unexpected things like, going out or gifts, because I have a separate cash-only budget for that, to ensure I don’t over=indulge.

I think the key here is to NEVER carry a balance from month-to-month. That interest will get ya every time.

I’d love it if you would check out my blog that I’ve just started to help me repay my debt (and now plan a wedding!) Thank you!

By: Melissa Mon, 06 Jun 2011 19:11:50 +0000 In reply to chipsforsupper.

Oh man, the Air Miles I would get if I could pay my rent using my credit card…

By: Melissa Mon, 06 Jun 2011 19:07:50 +0000 I am SO on the credit card love train. The best thing I like about using my credit card, in addition to all the things you mentioned, is that it allows me to “borrow” from my future self without penalty. Because I get paid twice a month (not every two weeks) and both my rest and my credit card bill are due on the last day of the month, I am never as broke as I am for the first two weeks of the month. Sometimes there’s as little as $80 in my chequing account! Like, there’s actually less in my account than I budget for those two weeks; it’s just not reflective of my actual financial position (as opposed to spending more than I earn). So I use my credit card to get me through the month, and then by the end of the month, I’m, again, two paycheques richer and can pay all my bills and my credit card balance off without breaking a sweat. It’s a great system.

By: chipsforsupper Mon, 06 Jun 2011 17:37:39 +0000 I use my credit card for everything. But I wish there were actually more things that I could put on it so I can rack up the bonus points faster… but for me, rent (my biggest expense) can’t be put on a credit card.

By: Niki Mon, 06 Jun 2011 13:46:06 +0000 I am just starting to use my credit cards again. I was afraid I would spiral out of control using them, but I haven’t. With cash back rewards it is completely worth it.

By: Andrea Mon, 06 Jun 2011 13:17:06 +0000 How much do you put on your cc on average per month? Ive had two full months of free groceries this year thanks to my airmiles cc yay!
