employment Archives - PF Simplified https://add-vodka.com/tag/employment/ When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Wed, 04 Jan 2017 20:32:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://add-vodka.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/cropped-pf_logog-32x32.png employment Archives - PF Simplified https://add-vodka.com/tag/employment/ 32 32 What to Know When Contacting an Employment Lawyer https://add-vodka.com/know-contacting-employment-lawyer/ Wed, 04 Jan 2017 20:31:53 +0000 http://add-vodka.com/?p=8633 As a business owner, it is not at all unusual for you to have questions involving your business, your employees and the law. There are going to be occasions that will arise where you may not be sure about the particulars of the laws regarding employment issues and if you make the wrong decision you …

What to Know When Contacting an Employment Lawyer is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

As a business owner, it is not at all unusual for you to have questions involving your business, your employees and the law. There are going to be occasions that will arise where you may not be sure about the particulars of the laws regarding employment issues and if you make the wrong decision you could find yourself facing government fines, lawsuits from contractors or employees and the possibility of losing your business.

In order to avoid situations like this, you are going to want to talk to a lawyer that specializes in employment law so you can be sure to get good advice and guidance. There are a few basic things you are going to want to know when you are looking for an Austin employment attorney so you can be sure you get someone that will help you, including:

  • Knowledge of Business and Employment Law – It is of vital importance that any attorney you speak to has in-depth knowledge of state and federal employment laws so you can be sure that you are getting the best advice possible. Not every attorney is going to have solid knowledge of employment law and because the laws can be detailed and change frequently, finding someone that specializes in this type of work is crucial if you want to be sure you are getting accurate and correct information.
  • Services They Offer – You will want to find out what types of services the attorney offers so you can see what business they can help you with the most. While some lawyers may only offer assistance with preparing particular business documents and contracts, others provide more well-rounded services to include things representation in legal cases your business may face before labor boards or in court. Talk to any potential lawyer so you can be sure they can handle the different services you may need assistance with.
  • Time – It may seem trivial to you right now, but it is important that you work with a lawyer that is really going to have the time to assist you. You want a lawyer that you know will be there for you when you need help and not someone that will put off phone calls, emails and meetings because they are busy with other clients. When you first consult with an attorney, you want to make sure you are completely comfortable working with this person, trust them with your business and you trust that they are going to do their best to help you.

Once you have spent some time gathering information about a lawyer and have met with them to discuss issues you will be able to see who the right fit for your business is. When you are looking for an employment lawyer in Austin that has a stellar reputation, contact the Law office of Jack Quentin Nichols. Mr. Nichols has many years of experience working with businesses of all sizes and with employment law and he will work his hardest to make sure you get just the service and representation you need.

What to Know When Contacting an Employment Lawyer is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

3 Reasons Why Working Temporary or Contract Jobs Is Awesome https://add-vodka.com/the-pros-of-not-having-a-steady-job/ https://add-vodka.com/the-pros-of-not-having-a-steady-job/#comments Tue, 08 Nov 2011 12:04:02 +0000 http://add-vodka.com/?p=539 For a lot of people, temporary or contract jobs are considered not an option. Whether that’s because they have a mortgage to pay, or they don’t like the risk of not being able to find a position immediately after their contract ends, term specific positions are far from the most coveted on the job market. …

3 Reasons Why Working Temporary or Contract Jobs Is Awesome is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

For a lot of people, temporary or contract jobs are considered not an option. Whether that’s because they have a mortgage to pay, or they don’t like the risk of not being able to find a position immediately after their contract ends, term specific positions are far from the most coveted on the job market.

I used to have a mental block when it came to term positions. I’m young, not too risk adverse, and was capable of far more than what I was doing in my term position, but I was still struggling with wrapping my head around taking a temporary position instead of a regular one.


There are some downsides to temporary jobs, to be sure. These of course include lack of vacation and benefits, job or contract hunting far more often than you might want to, and various other things, but it turns out temporary or contract work can be one of the things that propels you forward in your career.

Here are some of the pros:

1. Things stay interesting

Instead of getting bored at your day job because you’ve been there for three years and know the role inside and out, you always have a challenge when you are taking contract work. After all, you have to get to know the company, the policies, the systems and processes.

Contract hunting can actually be quite fun, especially when you get good at it.

Work is never boring when you are on a contract.

2. Having an up-to-date resume

Constantly job searching requires you to always think about your resume so that you can update it with your skills, abilities, and accomplishments. It also keeps you on the ball with constantly thinking about potential answers to interview questions.

If you aren’t searching for awhile, it’s easy to forget about thinks and look past them when updating your resume the next time a desirable job comes around.

3. Freedom

Unlike with a full-time, permanent job, contract or temp workers have the freedom to pick up at the end of their contract and go wherever they want to go. Maybe they want to work in another country or city, or travel.

There is a lot of freedom with contract work. You are your own boss.

4. Diversifying Your Skills

Even if you are on a contract in the same field but a different industry, you are expanding your skills far beyond what your regular full time job will allow. Not only do you become more adaptable but you also have the ability to learn about different industries, companies and ways of doing things.

This is quite desirable in a career and as you continue to pick up contracts, they will come easier and easier.


3 Reasons Why Working Temporary or Contract Jobs Is Awesome is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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