saving money Archives - PF Simplified When Life Gives You Lemons => ADD VODKA Fri, 23 Dec 2022 12:06:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 saving money Archives - PF Simplified 32 32 Best Cheap Gym Membership: Tips and Tricks Fri, 30 Sep 2022 10:19:07 +0000 Gym membership is a hustle in itself. If you’re considering joining a gym to meet your fitness objectives, you could be sensible to do so. Research shows that joining a gym 14 times increases your likelihood of reaching your weekly physical activity targets. Additionally, today’s gym memberships offer a lifestyle, not just a workout. Gyms …

Best Cheap Gym Membership: Tips and Tricks is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

Gym membership is a hustle in itself. If you’re considering joining a gym to meet your fitness objectives, you could be sensible to do so. Research shows that joining a gym 14 times increases your likelihood of reaching your weekly physical activity targets. Additionally, today’s gym memberships offer a lifestyle, not just a workout. Gyms improve your physical and mental health, whether yours has social events, spa services, a smoothie bar, or a receptionist who knows you by name. In reality, research reveals that exercise is more than just physical training for many gym goers; it’s a way to become better versions of themselves.

What if your lack of money is the only thing keeping you from attending a gym? ] Here are some gym membership hacks for getting the most out of your fitness membership this year that will also help you save money.

Become a member with a friend or relative.

When negotiating a lower gym membership price, the law of large numbers may be on your side as the best gym membership hack. A lot of sales men have quotas to meet. It can be more appealing for the salesperson to give you (and your friend) a deal if you sign up jointly if you bring them a second membership.

Make a trial membership request to the gym

Ask for a few day passes or a week-long trial membership so you can try out the gym before committing to a full-blown membership. Depending on how long each club’s trial membership is, you might even test out a few and enjoy a month of free gym use. It is the best gym membership hack,

Join us at the month’s end

Like in other firms, salespeople have a monthly quota to meet. Ask about joining on the last or second-to-last day of the month for the best rate. But do not wait until the following month to research prices. Gyms seek to take advantage of the seasonal surge in enthusiasm by enticing offers to draw in new members in January. So, use this gym membership hack and get into a gym with low prices.

Request a Work Discount

Several companies have agreements with large chain gyms to give their employees discounted rates (And they’re not necessarily disseminated to as many people as you might imagine.) Check your employee site or contact your human resources representative to find out about any unique health and wellness offers. You can also ask them whether your insurance provider offers any discounts or reimbursements for gym memberships (or call your provider directly and ask). Do you work for yourself? You don’ need to be a full-time employee to qualify for these benefits, so find out about the various companies or shops!

Offer to Pay Several Months in Advance

Here is another gym membership hack. There may be some flexibility with newer, or privately owned gyms where the owner may be interested in immediate cash or in boosting membership, even if fitness chains typically have more standards regarding membership rates.

It never hurts to inquire about possible discounts for paying several months in advance. If you offer to pay the annual amount in full rather than monthly installments, some gyms might be willing to make a cost-saving adjustment (such as waiving an initiation fee).

As a gift or perk, request a gym membership.

You are technically free to use the gym here, even though someone must pay for the membership. If you wish to avoid getting stuff that may clutter your home, the present-giver may recommend an annual gym membership based on the gift budget. In a similar spirit, consider asking your company for a free gym membership as your gym membership hack.

Check Into Discounts

You’ll need to inquire about the specials that are currently being offered at the fitness centers since they frequently give discounts that aren’t prominently posted for everyone. Make sure to note your status as a student, senior, or employee of a large company that might have a relationship with your neighborhood gym to see if you qualify for any discounts. Members who work out during off-peak times can even receive discounts at some gyms (such as late at night).

Look for discounts on your health insurance

Some health insurance plans may offer discounts on gym membership fees. If you join a participating gym or fitness center, your insurance provider might also be willing to pay you. Make a call to your health insurance representative to find out your options.

Avoid overspending on extras

In this gym membership hack, you can save money and make sure you receive what you need out of your subscription by eliminating additional perks and options (such as group classes you won’t attend, water bottles, and other little extras). Also common in gyms is a la carte pricing.

Avoid signing a contract.

A contract you sign at a gym binds you to it for a period of up to a year. If possible, go for a month-to-month or shorter-term contract to avoid paying for a gym membership that you might not utilize as your gym membership hack.

Put a Hold on your membership

Put your membership on hold if you are arranging a trip for pleasure or business. Make sure to let your gym know when you’ll be out of town so that you aren’t charged for days you can’t use; otherwise, they won’t give you a refund for the period you don’t use the gym.

Negotiation is the best gym membership hack

If you find the ideal gym but it is out of your price range, try to work out a deal with the membership representative. They might be able to offer you discounts or other tips on how to save money on your gym pass, workouts, guest passes, or other goods that come with your gym membership. Additionally, many gyms will waive the starting cost if you pay upfront, saving you hundreds of dollars. If they are unable to save you money, perhaps they can provide you with some free training sessions, gym tickets, classes, or other gifts.

Best Cheap Gym Membership: Tips and Tricks is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

Scholarships: The Ultimate Guide For Students Sat, 11 Jun 2022 17:28:57 +0000 The correct scholarship or loans can put a student on the way to success. Loans give the needed financial help and respect to the student. Some think loans are open to students with the highest GPA. As well, some trust that only sports record students get loans.  There are loans offered for students of all …

Scholarships: The Ultimate Guide For Students is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

The correct scholarship or loans can put a student on the way to success. Loans give the needed financial help and respect to the student. Some think loans are open to students with the highest GPA. As well, some trust that only sports record students get loans. 

There are loans offered for students of all families. Also, knowing what kind of loans are available and where to look for them is serious. This article details different scholarships available.

Academic Scholarships

Students with good educational history get academic or study loans. Hence students with high GPAs get these loans. It includes more actions and public service records. Study loans usually value a lot of money and have a name for the student. Additionally, they can be helpful after college in the business world. Moreover, it increases the request for a strong resume.

Scholarships for Average Academic Performance

Top-level study loans are out of reach. It does not mean that loans are not available to the average student. Average Student Loans take into account a student’s study record. Moreover, it also includes community involvement and leadership characteristics. 

It also provides quality test scores and contest essays. Also, loans based on average study performance consider a student’s extracurricular interests. It includes sports, art, and music. 

Scholarships for sports

Sports loans are the most visible and competitive. Here merit loans are also available. Students seeking a firm or sports loan must prove high skill in their chosen sport. Also, it seeks a strong study background. Loans are available in every sport. It includes volleyball, golf, tennis, football, swimming, and gymnastics. 

Nominate students by their coach. Another school official also does it to consider sports loans. College recruiters are always looking for top sports. It is to bring to their campuses, but the competition is severe. Early in your high school job is the best time to consider a sports loan.

Minority Scholarships

There are many minority loans available to the right college-bound student. These loans can have a wide range of ethnic requirements. Some are open to all minority students. Also, others are tailored to help a specific ethnic group. Funds for these loans are from different sources. It includes the federal government, colleges, and corporations.

Individuals and organizations sponsor many minority loans to broaden various professional workforce segments. Give these awards to students with specific specialties. Additionally, it includes engineering, medicine, and mathematics. Minority loans can be the ticket to a well-deserved college education for students. The students should belong to a perceived minority group in the US population.

Women’s Scholarships

Loans for women are available as there are loans for ethnic minorities. Create many loans for women. Also, it advances the opportunities for female students across the country. These loans can provide a way to a college education. It is through business, science, and political and financial help. When looking for loans, female students should be precise.

Creative Scholarships

The arts are a primary element of modern American culture. At the same time, they may not be as plain as they once were. There are still plenty of creative loan options for the interested student. These loans are competitive. Also, to test, applicants must provide samples of their work. 

There is a need for a bag for art loans while an audition is by tape. Use a person for music loans and other performance-based art forms. Many receive these loans funded by public and private endowments. At the same time, art institutions sponsor other loans. 

Unusual Scholarships

Unusual loans can range from foolish to unexpected. Individuals, local associations, or national organizations may support them. The award for the best dance dress made out of tube tape is one of the more unusual loans. 

The National Italian-American Foundation sponsors loans for children of Italian immigrants. Moreover, it is on the other end of the spectrum. These loans may be unusual, unconventional, or downright silly. But they provide more income when preparing for a college job.

Community Service Scholarships

Community Service Loans are an excellent way for students. A loan in this manner may be perfect for you. It is when you have a history of community involvement and public successes. Moreover, Federal Work-Study programs also provide a part of their income. It is for students who take part in public service. 

Final Words

These loans may have modest prizes. But every dollar matters when paying for education. Whatever study you pursue, keep in mind that there is something for everyone. Also, you can locate the money to pay for college with some work. It does not include your grades, interests, or background. 

Scholarships: The Ultimate Guide For Students is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

100 ENVELOPE CHALLENGE: THE MONEY HACK Thu, 09 Jun 2022 07:31:33 +0000 Saving money is a difficult task for anybody, regardless of their financial situation. Keeping up with monthly expenses like rent, food, and utilities can be a struggle for some people. The effort of saving money on top of one’s usual costs may seem impossible. However, there is good news – there is a popular technique …

100 ENVELOPE CHALLENGE: THE MONEY HACK is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

Saving money is a difficult task for anybody, regardless of their financial situation. Keeping up with monthly expenses like rent, food, and utilities can be a struggle for some people. The effort of saving money on top of one’s usual costs may seem impossible.

However, there is good news – there is a popular technique to save money without the bother. If you’re asking, “How can I save $5,000 in three months?” The 100 Envelope Challenge is for you. There’s no need to go ultra-frugal or live. You need 100 empty envelopes and a solid will to complete this 100-day money challenge.

What Exactly Is the 100-Envelope Test?

With the help of the 100 envelopes, you can save $5,000 in 100 days. It’s a pleasant way to save some extra money for a rainy-Day fund. The 100-day money challenge brings a new twist to saving money because most of us don’t have thousands of dollars sitting around.

The TikTok 100-day money challenge began as a simple way to save money or a hack. Mon emphasized to TikToker Invest followers that this money-saving approach might be completed in 100 days or even a year, depending on the individual’s needs.

100 envelope challenge is a popular hashtag for people documenting their 100-day money challenges so that they may save $5,000 in 100 days.

What is the 100 Envelope Challenge?

If you could save $5,000 in just 100 days, would you? It’s referred to as a challenge, but it’s pretty straightforward. Each envelope has the numbers 1 to 100 written on it. Then, over 100 days, select an envelope at random. The amount of money you put in the envelope corresponds to the number on the front of the envelope you choose for a particular Day. You’ll have saved $5,050 in 100 days.

Make use of Digital Envelopes:

  1. The 100-day money challenge can be done digitally rather than with 100 physical envelopes. Here’s how to do it.
  2. Download a printable tracker with the numbers 1 to 100 for the 100-envelope challenge.
  3. Open separate savings account into which you can deposit the money during the 100-envelope challenge or use direct deposit.

Why is the 100 Envelope Challenge a great way to motivate yourself?

One hundred envelopes filled with random amounts of money between $1 and $100 in 100 days is impressive.

To what extent does the 100-Envelope Challenge pay off financially?

You can save more than $5,000 in just over three months. The 100-envelope challenge’s adaptability is a huge plus. Forgiving if you make mistakes or fail to keep on a Day or two, the challenge may be fun.

Saving money can be as simple as putting 100 cents in an envelope. By following the challenge’s instructions to the letter, you can jump-start your savings and establish a pattern of consistent savings.

There are advantages and disadvantages to everything:

The 100-day money challenge has its advantages and disadvantages. Before committing to the TikTok version of the envelope budgeting strategy, here are a few things to think about.


  • Finding a simple solution to save money quickly is the issue.
  • It’s also convenient when you need money.
  • If your financial status changes, you can quit and begin the challenge as soon as possible.
  • The 100-envelope challenge is a great way to get into saving money.


  • Completing the challenge necessitates a certain amount of drive.
  • The box may be neglected in an area where you wouldn’t ordinarily check.
  • The money to put aside in an envelope number may not be readily available on all days.
  • Having large sums of money sitting around could be dangerous.
  • If you don’t already own 100 envelopes, you’ll need to purchase them.

Bottom Line

Suppose you remove money from your bank account to put into the envelopes. You may be better suited to depositing the money into a savings account rather than putting it into the envelopes. If nothing else, your money will at least be earning interest.

100 ENVELOPE CHALLENGE: THE MONEY HACK is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

How to have a weekend party on a budget? Mon, 23 May 2022 07:51:11 +0000 Well, who doesn’t like to throw a perfect party on the weekend? As, weekends are meant only to have fun & entertainment — but if done in the budget, then how efficient it would be, in terms of both money and time. From decorations to fun and food, everything should be organised perfectly that too …

How to have a weekend party on a budget? is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

Well, who doesn’t like to throw a perfect party on the weekend? As, weekends are meant only to have fun & entertainment — but if done in the budget, then how efficient it would be, in terms of both money and time. From decorations to fun and food, everything should be organised perfectly that too on a budget! How? Here are the six secrets for your next gathering:

1. Select a Theme:

Yes! Firstly, the most important secret is to pick a theme for your party. So that, your focus will be on that particular theme & you will not be out of budget. It could be anything, and if one wants to throw a party in-between occasions, then it can be a Halloween theme for the Halloween festival, it could be Easter, or Christmas based themes also works well.

2. Send Invites via Email:

Today in a digital world, we all have so many facilities through the means of the Internet. Let’s grab this opportunity and send party E-cards on WhatsApp, or you can invite via mail also. Such an affordable idea, right?

3. Do It Yourself (DIY):

One of the best secrets is DIY. Nothing beats the handmade crafts made with passion. When it comes to decoration, being crafty is the budget-friendly thing if there’s a house party. There are tons of inspiration on YouTube. From basic tissue papers to fancy hats — all of these can be made in just a few dollars & with minimum effort.

4. Comfort for Guests:

Arranging parties won’t impress guests! Guests need proper good hospitality, personally welcoming each guest, introduction with other guests! Make sure they are comfortable in your environment. Provide them time to time snacks & drinks!

5. Budget-Friendly Snacks:

Rightly heard! Try to cook snacks with available ingredients at home. This secret will not only save dollars but also, save your time for the other things to plan on. Like, make your own Pizza, where you only have to put base, toppings & grated cheese on your table!


BYOB may mean “bring your own bottle” or “bring your own booze”. As a host, you can provide a place to party and arrange food. This is a budget way to party as the burden of alcohol is not solely held by the host. One can also buy common alcohol for everyone from a superstore and split it later.

How to have a weekend party on a budget? is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

How to Save Money During Deployment Mon, 13 Nov 2017 22:31:17 +0000 Preparing for and dealing with a deployment is hard. If you are a service member, or if you are a spouse going through a deployment, trying to save money during deployment can be a daunting and critical task to take on. However, there are ways to cut costs, save money, and still pay your bills on …

How to Save Money During Deployment is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

deploymentPreparing for and dealing with a deployment is hard. If you are a service member, or if you are a spouse going through a deployment, trying to save money during deployment can be a daunting and critical task to take on.

However, there are ways to cut costs, save money, and still pay your bills on time. Here are a few tips to help you save money during deployment.

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

If you aren’t familiar with it yet, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act gives legal rights to anyone being deployed and also extends some coverage to the spouse and family members of the service member. This is a big deal if you are trying to save money during deployment. Instead of paying bills you aren’t using (like car insurance, phone bills, etc.) you can pause these contracts, or may be able to break them altogether.

Save Deployment Pay

There are many different ways that a service member can receive pay while deployed. Sometimes, you may qualify for additional compensation as well (based on the type of deployment and if the service member has a spouse/dependents).

There are times where deployment pay may be lower than traditional paychecks. However, if you find yourself earning more during deployment, throw the extra money into a savings account that you can’t easily touch unless for an emergency. This will allow you to save money during deployment without losing out on too much income.

Lower Your Bills

Going along with taking advantage of the SCRA, you can find plenty of other ways to lower your bills during deployment. Almost every flexible bill, like utility bills, phone bills, and even car insurance can be lowered. Sometimes you may have to explain your situation (again, that’s where the SCRA comes in), but more often than not you’ll be able to lower your bills with just a simple phone call.

If you can’t lower your bills, try cutting them out altogether. Do you really need cable? Can you do without the second car payment? Try seeing how you can simplify your finances so you can save money during deployment.

Use Military Discounts

Now, this doesn’t mean to look down on small businesses or companies that don’t offer military discounts (even if you think they should), but this does mean to take advantage of the offers when you get them. Military discounts can save you cash on almost everything, from food to getting your car serviced.

If you are a spouse dealing with deployment, military discounts can make a huge difference in your savings. Just don’t forget to have your military ID to prove who you are.

Cut Out Unnecessary Expenses

As much as you may like eating out or getting haircuts, sometimes you have to buckle down and cut out unnecessary expenses. If you are losing money during deployment, cutting out expenses that aren’t necessities can add a few (or a few hundred) dollars into your budget every month, and every little bit counts.

Go through your budget from the last few months, and see where you can make some changes. I guarantee that there will be something that you can cut out, just for the short term. Then, take the money you are saving on the expenses, and throw it into a savings account.

Get a Part-Time Job

If you have exhausted all other options and are still struggling while trying to save money during deployment, it may be time to apply for a part-time job.

While not ideal, especially if you have kids, a part-time job can help you stay afloat and save more money. You don’t have to keep the job forever, but at least having it short-term can help you save more.

There are so many ways to save money during deployment, but these should start you on the right track.

How to Save Money During Deployment is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

6 Different Ideas to Build Your Savings Mon, 08 Aug 2016 11:00:38 +0000 Savings. The dreaded term for millions of Americans. Trying to build your savings shouldn’t be dreaded, it should be something that’s celebrated! From childhood, we are urged to save our birthday money, Christmas money, allowance, etc. Sadly thought, those habits often don’t carry across into adulthood. Many Americans don’t have a savings account, let alone a retirement …

6 Different Ideas to Build Your Savings is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

build your savingsSavings. The dreaded term for millions of Americans. Trying to build your savings shouldn’t be dreaded, it should be something that’s celebrated!

From childhood, we are urged to save our birthday money, Christmas money, allowance, etc.

Sadly thought, those habits often don’t carry across into adulthood. Many Americans don’t have a savings account, let alone a retirement account (but that’s a whole other post).

If you haven’t started a savings account, go start one! Depending on the account, you can get started with just $5.00.

If you are struggling to build your savings, here are some great ideas to help build your savings account starting today!

Save a Flat Amount Per Paycheck

If you haven’t already set up a budget, you should. In that budget, set a flat amount that comes out of your paycheck and into savings. You can do this manually or make it an automatic deposit. If you don’t have it in your budget, then you won’t want to save it.

Set a Savings Goal

It’s hard to achieve anything without an end in sight. You might be saving for a car, a laptop, or a down payment on a house. Your goal can be just to save a certain amount per paycheck, or to save an amount each year. Setting realistic achievable goals can build your savings faster than you think.

Try a Savings Challenge

For example, you could try the 52 week savings challenge. This is where you save $1 the first week, $2 the second week, ending with $52 the last week. By the end of the year you will have saved $1,378! There are numerous other challenges, like a penny a day for 365 days or a $1 a day for 365 days. They are fun and a great way to challenge yourself and your family to see who can save the most!

Set Up a “Keep the Change” Transfer

This program is one that’s offered at most banks, although it may have a different name. Every time you use your debit card, it rolls the change into your savings account automatically. It may not amount to much, but an extra $5-10/month is still a good way to build your savings. Check your online bank account to turn it on or ask your bank teller.

Check Out Digit

Digit is an online savings account that draws directly from your bank account. It recognizes your spending habits and moves money over according to what you can afford that month. Digit is free and you are guaranteed to never over-draft your account. It’s a great way to build your savings without you having to think about it.

Switch to an Online Only Bank

For example, some strictly online banks, like CapitalOne360, have higher interest rates than a physical bank. If you put some money into a savings account or other fund, you will see more interest growing in your favor. It may not grow fast, but it still adds up over time.

Having a savings account is a critical for good financial health. Without a savings account, one can fall into debt faster and have it add up quick.

Can you think of other ways to build your savings?

6 Different Ideas to Build Your Savings is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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8 Ways Childless Adults Can Take Advantage of Back to School Sales Mon, 25 Jul 2016 11:00:55 +0000 Summer festivities are still in full swing, but back to school time is right around the corner. When you go shopping this time of year, you’ll likely notice a change in the atmosphere. Instead of bathing suits and red, white, and blue picnic plates, there are lists, glue, and paper. The stores are stocking up …

8 Ways Childless Adults Can Take Advantage of Back to School Sales is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

back to schoolSummer festivities are still in full swing, but back to school time is right around the corner.

When you go shopping this time of year, you’ll likely notice a change in the atmosphere. Instead of bathing suits and red, white, and blue picnic plates, there are lists, glue, and paper. The stores are stocking up on all of the new pencils, notebook paper, planners, and backpacks. The smell of new pens waiting to be opened, pencils ready to be sharpened, and the feeling of a perfect folder, all shimmery in the plastic – it’s intoxicating.

Childless adults might lament on the passing of time and remember childhood, but luckily, you don’t have to have children to take advantage of all of the back to school sales and specials. Even if you don’t have children, here are some ways you can take advantage of back to school sales.

Office Supplies

Now is the time to stock up on the basic must haves for your home office! Just because you don’t have children of your own, doesn’t mean you don’t need a fun folder or binder to spice up your office. Also, by taking advantage of these sales you can purchase school supplies and donate them to a local shelter or school program that gives away backpacks full of supplies to those children in need who can’t afford to get their back-to-school basics. This will make your donation dollars stretch further.

Plastic Storage Baggies

Plastic bags are a must-have for student lunches and are usually on sale during the lead-up to back to school. Take advantage of these prices and stock up for your kitchen. They are great for taking snacks on road trips and lots of other uses too.

Storage Containers and Boxes

August doesn’t just mean elementary or high school starting, it’s also college season! New freshmen moving into dorms, seniors moving into apartments – they both need plastic bins and storage containers to organize their new living spaces. As a childless adult, you can take advantage of this too and purchase what you need to get your home organized.

Lighting and Home Decor

Want to string some of those globe lights across your patio? Go look in the college section. They have pretty much the same product but for less money. Dorm rooms are no longer a plain white cell; they have become rooms to express yourself in. Comfy chairs, lighting, wall décor, rugs, are all sold for a lower price than usual during back to school sales. Some of these things can even work in a non-college decor theme.


Big brands and retailers have back to school deals on clothing and shoes. This is a good time of year to give your wardrobe an update and save money.


As summer winds down you can definitely take advantage of resorts and tourist attractions wanting to grab you one last time before you are booked up for the fall. There are lower prices and you can sometimes can nab a great package for a winter or fall vacation by booking during back to school sales.


A lot of  convenience food and snacks are on sale during back to school time. Things like chip packs, fruit snacks, and cereal go on sale to appeal to children who take their lunches to school. Grab some for yourself and relive your childhood, or use them as grab and go food when you schedule is packed or you have a road trip to pack for.

Laptops and Electronics

If you were thinking of buy that computer, now is the time to do it. As students get ready to go back to school, whether in college or high school, the prices and deals on electronics are great. Sometimes there are great packaged deals of a tablet with the cover and detachable keyboard, or a computer with a printer or desktop publishing software. These accessories can be expensive, so look for these bundle deals during back to school to save money.

As you can see there are a lot of sales that you can cash in on, while getting some great gear, even if you don’t have kids. Don’t ignore the back to school sale ads, there is something that you can get out of them as well.

If you’re childless, do you shop back to school sales?

8 Ways Childless Adults Can Take Advantage of Back to School Sales is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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How to Save on a Night Out Wed, 13 Jul 2016 16:23:22 +0000 By the time Friday rolls around, it’s been a long work week and a night out is long overdue. A night out can be anything you want it to be as there are so many options and opportunities! From catching a movie to eating out to visiting cool exhibits, a night out with friends or …

How to Save on a Night Out is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

save on a night out

By the time Friday rolls around, it’s been a long work week and a night out is long overdue.

A night out can be anything you want it to be as there are so many options and opportunities! From catching a movie to eating out to visiting cool exhibits, a night out with friends or a significant other can be so much fun. But it can also mean paying more than you think.

When you add up food, drinks or dessert, travel time, parking, etc., a night out can make a large dent into your wallet if you aren’t careful.

But you don’t have to let a night out bust your budget. Here are some fun ways to save on a night out.

Do a Night In!

A night in may not seem as fun as a night out, but it can be. Dust off the board games or break out the blanket fort. You can even use a coupon to buy take-out pizza and to save money, or have a potluck style game night. A night in can even be a way to rekindle that romance, or a way to reconnect with your besties after a long absence.

Eat Before Going Out

If you are catching a few drinks with the gals after work or going out to dinner with friends, one of the easiest ways to save on a night out is to eat a quick meal before you leave the house. It will save you from having to buy a full entree. You’ll be able to get away with a small appetizer and a drink. This way you can still participate but save money.

See a Matinee

A matinee can be half the cost of an evening film. If two adults can see a movie for the price of one, it’s a win-win all around. You should also watch for special deals at your local theatres. When I lived in a larger town, the theatre would offer $1 popcorn and $1 pop on Tuesdays.

Skip the Drink

Markup on soda is at most restaurants is ridiculous. You can save $2-3 per meal if you just order water instead of a drink. Not ordering alcohol at a meal can save $5 or more per meal too. Unless it’s dollar night, skip the pop at the movie theater too. This is a no brainer way to save on a night out.

Eat Out Using a 2 for $20 Deal

If you and your friend or significant other want to save some money on dinner out, use the 2 for $20 menu that has become popular at many sit-down restaurants. These usually include an appetizer or dessert and two entrees. It’s the same great meal for a lower price!

Hit up Happy Hour

Drinks during happy hour are usually half price or less, making it easy to save on a night out. Some bars and restaurants will also offer half price appetizers to go along with that. A couple of drinks and an appetizer are cheaper than one entree during happy hour.

The importance of a night out (or in) is that you enjoy time with your family and friends. Even on a tight budget, you can enjoy a night out with these savings tips. It takes a little more planning to save on a night out, but it’s worth it in the long run.

How do you save on a night out?

How to Save on a Night Out is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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15 More Household Items to Re-Use and Save Money Wed, 06 Apr 2016 11:00:56 +0000 Last week I shared some awesome ideas for how you can re-use kitchen items for other purposes around your home. Re-using items not only helps you save money, but you can also rest assured knowing that you’ve done your part to help the environment of Earth too. If you can save a little money by …

15 More Household Items to Re-Use and Save Money is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

basic-1239215_640Last week I shared some awesome ideas for how you can re-use kitchen items for other purposes around your home. Re-using items not only helps you save money, but you can also rest assured knowing that you’ve done your part to help the environment of Earth too.

If you can save a little money by recycling or re-using household items you would normally either use for a different purpose or toss in the garbage, why not? It doesn’t always take a lot of time and effort to find household items to re-use and save money. Here are 15 more household items you can re-use and save money.

1 Plastic grocery bags – You know the ones. Usually you throw them away, or you have a plastic sack full of plastic sacks taking up the entire cabinet beneath a bathroom sink. Instead, turn them into a cool rug for your apartment. Or, recycle them as trash sacks in your car or to line a small trash can in your house. They are also great for wrapping shoes inside a suitcase to protect your clothing.

2 Shredded paper – This can be used for several things: Line a gift basket, stuff a dog bed, or cushion an item you are shipping.

3 Newspaper – Newspapers are great for other purposes besides just starting fires in your fireplace. Did you know you can use newspaper to weave baskets? You can make them any size you need. Check the internet for instructions. Or, protect a tabletop when gluing a craft project. I also used newspapers as free “stuffing” to help protect fragile items the last time I moved.

4 Rubber bands – I keep a couple with me at all times. In a pinch you can close a bag of pretzels with one. You can also wrap them around long cords to contain them. When baking, wrap one around your bowl to rest the spoon against and prevent it from slipping down into the batter.

5 Paper boxes or shoe boxes – Wrap them with pretty paper or fabric and use them as storage bins on open shelving units.

6 Tin cans – Repurpose them to hold pens, pencils and other tools on your desk. You can decorate them with paper, fabric, or even paint.

7 Buttons – Make a craft project by gluing or sewing buttons to a canvas or on the front of a pillow. Cover a lampshade with them, or string some as a garland on a Christmas tree. Two that match could be into earrings.

8 Christmas cards – If they are too pretty to throw away, make them into ornaments that you can hang on your tree and use for years to come.

9 Toilet paper tubes – Cut a slit down the length and use them to prevent wrapping paper from unrolling, or you can use them to create ornaments.

10 Wooden paint sticks – These make great identifiers for your garden. Use a paint marker to “write” the vegetable name on the top of the stick and pound it into the dirt by each row.

11 Worn toothbrushes – Use these when cleaning around sink facets, etc.

12 Worn bath towels – Cut worn towels and overcast stitch the edges to use as cleaning cloths. You can also sew a couple layers together to create oven mitts.

13 Mismatched silverware – Make these into wind chimes to hang outside your house.

14 Business cards – Use the back side of old business cards to create labels for storage boxes.

15 Kleenex box – These are great to store plastic sacks in. I also loved putting rubber bands across them and playing them like a guitar as a child.

These are just a few common items you can re-use and save money. There are tons of other things around your house that you can re-use too.

What other household items can you re-use and save money? Can you think of any other uses for the items on this list?

15 More Household Items to Re-Use and Save Money is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

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18 Kitchen Items to Re-Use and Save Money Wed, 30 Mar 2016 15:42:22 +0000 It has become very popular these days to recycle or re-use old items in new and unique ways. Every time you turn around, someone has a new Pinterest project or suggestion that can save time, money, or both. But not every item that can be re-used has to be a Pinterest project. There are actually …

18 Kitchen Items to Re-Use and Save Money is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.

re-use and save moneyIt has become very popular these days to recycle or re-use old items in new and unique ways. Every time you turn around, someone has a new Pinterest project or suggestion that can save time, money, or both. But not every item that can be re-used has to be a Pinterest project. There are actually some pretty simple ways to re-use household items for other purposes too. Because the possibilities are endless, I decided to limit my post today to only kitchen items that you can re-use and save money, but there are lots of other household items you can re-use too.

Here are 18 kitchen items you can re-use and save money.

  1. Milk carton – Cut off the top and use it to store paint brushes, markers, or other craft supplies in. Turn it into a scoop for dog food. Or, cut the handle part out and then make a hole close to the top to hang it from the nozzle of a drink cooler to catch drips.
  2. Ice cube tray – Place it in a desk drawer to hold small items like paperclips, brads, or pushpins. Another use would be to hold earrings or rings in a dresser drawer.
  3. Plastic cool whip containers – (Who doesn’t have a few of these sitting around?) Put water in it and put the lid on to have water ready for your pets when traveling. Another good use is to send leftovers home with a friend or loved one after a holiday meal.
  4. Cereal boxes – These can be used to wrap small gifts. Also I have seen people use them in projects to make letters for decorative purposes.
  5. Spice jars – Use these in your craft room for glitter. Or, use one to store toothpicks in your car or desk drawer.
  6. McCormick Salad Toppin containers – Reuse these to put small snacks in for little hands.
  7. Muffin tin – Put small pieces of jewelry in these to display at a garage sale. You could also put condiments in one for a buffet line.
  8. Plastic water bottle – Cut off the bottom and thread the plastic of a bag of chocolate chips over it and put the lid back on.
  9. Baby formula cans – Store screws, nuts, bolts and other small garage items in these.
  10. Plastic ketchup bottles – Use these to store paint.
  11. Mason jars – Screw these into your blender to make individual size smoothies or homemade baby food.
  12. Wine bottle rack – Put this in the bathroom to store towels. Rolled up magazines would fit nicely in the bottle slots. In the craft room you could use this to store gift wrap.
  13. Bread bags – Use as dog poo bags.
  14. Egg cartons – Stand one on end inside your boots to help them stay upright and keep their shape.
  15. Cooke sheet – Transport a warm casserole by placing a thick hand towel on it and then set the casserole on the towel.
  16. Wine bottle – Cut the top off, file the rim and turn it into a glass.
  17. Zip lock bags – When traveling, use these to store small liquid items to contain any possible leaks.
  18. Plastic lids – Use these beneath plants to prevent water rings on furniture.

Have you done any of these things to re-use and save money?

18 Kitchen Items to Re-Use and Save Money is a post from: When Life Gives You Lemons. Did you like the post? Follow me on Twitter, like me on Facebook, or hop on over to my blog and leave me your feedback.
