Make Money

Spending Triggers

One thing that I’ve noticed about myself and my spending, is that my spending is very much influenced by where I work. Physical location can make or break my discretionary spending budget.

As a teenager and in my very early 20’s, I worked in a mall. Every day, I would walk by stores and see things I wanted. Because I was tempted by eye candy, I spent a lot of money on things that I couldn’t afford. Some things I didn’t even wear once! I also loved the variety available via the food court, so I would far too often spend money on meals out, instead of bringing my lunch.

I have also worked in a construction site. There was nowhere to spend money, and no stores around. I couldn’t be tempted even by food. There were no restaurants around so I didn’t spend money on lunch, as I was too lazy to go drive somewhere. I didn’t want to waste my lunch break in a hot (or cold) car.

Now that I work in an office that has a lot of good restaurants nearby, it’s hard not to spend money, especially since my co-workers eat out frequently and I want to get to know them better. I feel that I would be shooting myself in the foot by not spending lunches with them.

I need to work in some remote, inconvenient place so that I’m not tempted to spend.

What are your spending triggers?

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  1. One of my triggers for buying food is because it’s on sale. I don’t need 2 bags of chips, but they’re only $2 each if I buy 2.

    Another is if I go to the food court of a mall. I get lured in all the time. I really need to not go to that part of the mall.

    1. Sales are the very worst. I know what you mean. But sometimes it’s a better deal, andt hen you just end up spending more money!

  2. I wouldn’t say my work location is a trigger, but I would definitely say that the people I’m around at the different locations are definitely triggers for me! If I’m around spenders, I spend. If I’m around savers, I save. It’s one of the reasons I like interacting with the pf community 🙂

  3. ^ same for anything on sale is a trigger for me.

    I always try my best to eat my brought lunch but my coworkers always eat out and when they invite me it’s hard to say no.

  4. My trigger is my growling stomach. Also my laziness to get to the grocery store. Because once I don’t do that I get hungry and I’ll eat anything within a mile radius – unluckily for me there are tons of food places around my work. I know the feeling =/

    1. I HATE going to the grocery store. It’s the worst. I know what you mean – a growling stomach is super expensive 🙂

  5. Restaurants and lunch are my triggers. I used to work downtown and I would eat out at least once a week, usually twice a week. My current job is at least a 5 minute drive from any restaurant so I really have to make an effort if I want lunch. I grab lunch maybe once every 2-2.5 weeks now–it’s been great for my wallet!

  6. I have also definitely spent waay more money when I work downtown and close to cute things (and yummy food). Even when I worked across from a not-very-great mall, I would go wild at the grocery store just because it was there.

    So, like you, proximity is definitely a trigger of mine!

  7. I felt I spent more money than saved more money when I worked in retail. During my breaks and lunch, I would wander in and out of stores. I would constantly buy coffee, snacks and my lunch at the mall cause it was so convenient. Now that I work at a place where there are no restaurants nearby with the exception of a Tim Horton’s/Wendy’s, its become a habit to bring lunch. I’m not a big fan of my workplace cafeteria either.

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