
Being Ethical in your Pursuit of Riches

being ethical in your pursuit of richesBeing ethical is something I never thought of when I first  became interested in personal finance. I just thought paying off my debt was something that could help me get ahead in life.

But lately ethics have been a focus of several articles I’ve seen around the blogosphere. In fact, a guest blogger we had on the site just last week asked if it’s ever okay to lie about your salary history. And I read a great post about if it’s immoral to use credit cards or take on debt.

With those topics in mind, I thought about how some people choose to take an unethical approach to their pursuit of riches. Here are some examples if you’re not quite sure what I mean.


Have you ever taken shampoo from a hotel you stayed in? I know I have and until recently I never thought anything about it. After all, the cleaning staff has to discard these products at the end of your stay even if the bottles are still 3/4 of the way full. Is taking shampoo from the hotel unethical? In my opinion no, but some may argue differently.

What about stealing a TON of ketchup packets from a fast food restaurant so you don’t have to buy ketchup for your home? In my opinion that is stealing and it is unethical.

These are both examples of ways that some people choose to save money. Do you think one is more or less ethical than the other? They are both stealing.


Is lying ever ok? What if you lie for a good cause? One of the biggest debates I’ve ever had with myself is about if white lies are okay to tell if you are trying not to hurt someone’s feelings.

Have you ever thought about the people who are lying and stealing when it comes to making a buck? For instance, after I started freelancing online one of the first things I was asked was “do you do ghost writing?” Technically ghost writing is lying no matter if you decide you are okay with it or not.


Have you ever cheated on something in your life? Lots of people I knew cheated in college. One student I had several classes with even used a paper writing service to “help” her with some of her college papers. Somehow this girl had time to work non-stop at a part-time job but she “had no time” to write her own papers. Is this ethical?

I don’t have all the answers to what’s ethical or not when it comes to trying to get ahead in life. Personally, I think it depends on the person because we all have different moral compasses to guide us through life. What one person thinks is acceptable may be completely unacceptable to someone else.

Where do you draw the line on what’s ethical or unethical?

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  1. You make some really good points especially regarding stealing. I feel like there’s a fine line. I’d take the shampoo bottles too, but I won’t ask for extras just to take them home. I use leftover napkins and ketchup all the time, but mostly because they always give me a TON and I don’t want to waste it. It’s really a fine line, but you have to be able to sleep at night.

    1. I agree with you Heather. If they give me extra napkins and ketchup I’ll use them, but I don’t take extra just to use and not have to pay for my own.

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