
How To Build A Capsule Wardrobe & Save Money All Year

capsule wardrobeIf you are always buying new clothes because you have “nothing to wear,” or if you are tired of seeing a mish mash of items in your closet, a capsule wardrobe may be the greatest thing to happen to your closet in a long time.

A capsule wardrobe will not only save you money, but it will also save you time and frustration when picking out your clothes. Here are a few tips to help you build a capsule wardrobe and save money all year.

Know What a Capsule Wardrobe Is

What is a capsule wardrobe? While the capsule wardrobe doesn’t have a true definition, it is considered as a small collection of fashion pieces that never go out of style. While it doesn’t have a max number of items, it will normally have 15-30 pieces, all of which you can mix and match.

The key to a great capsule wardrobe is having items that can all work together, so you are never stuck with an item that you can’t wear more than once or twice. Since you know that your end goal is saving money, you won’t buy pieces that don’t work well with others.

Pick Your Colors

Most capsule wardrobes consist of black, white, gray, and nude. While this helps you save money, you can build a colorful capsule wardrobe too. Again, the key is to build a wardrobe that will allow you to mix and match.

Some people like to create two separate capsule wardrobes, one for the spring/summer and one for the fall/winter. If you want to go more colorful in the spring/summer and darker in the fall/winter, go for it! Just make sure that the colors work for you.

Choose Based on the Season

If you live in an area where you have all four seasons, you will most likely have to add extra pieces to your capsule wardrobe. Even if you are trying to save money and time, you should choose pieces that work with the weather. No one wants to freeze just to save a little cash!

Even with buying a few extra clothing items during the different seasons, you’ll save a lot more money than someone who buys a ton of clothes every few months! If you choose the right type of clothes, you can transition them to fit all of the different seasons all year round.

capsule wardrobe

Add a Little of Your Style

Once you’ve gotten the basics down ( a nice pair of jeans, simple black tee), it’s time to add in a little of your own style! While sticking to simplicity, get a few cute tops, or a graphic tee that you can wear whenever you want.

It’s important to add a little of your own style to your capsule wardrobe. If you deprive yourself of shopping or buying what you want just to save closet space, you may binge and buy more than you really need. The biggest benefit to a capsule wardrobe is saving money, so add your own flavor when you can.

Go Thrifting

You don’t have to buy all of your new capsule wardrobe clothes for full price! Another great way to save money by building your new wardrobe is to go thrifting. You can normally snag great deals on basics like jeans and t-shirts.

If you decide to go thrift shopping, make sure to pick quality clothing. While there is nothing wrong with buying a $2 t-shirt, it will be useless if you find a hole the first time you wear it. Sometimes thrift shopping won’t yield you a ton of results, but keep trying! You’ll save money and be able to build your wardrobe for a lot less than brand new.

Add/Remove As Needed

A capsule wardrobe is all about trial and error and finding what works for you and your lifestyle and needs. If you add a new jacket because the one you had didn’t work, remember to donate or get rid of the old one! Keeping your capsule wardrobe fresh and minimal will help you streamline your closet, life, and keep your wallet full.

Also, you can make money from the clothes you no longer wear! You could always try to sell them via a consignment shop or online. You may be able to buy new clothes with the money you make from your old ones, meaning even more savings.

A capsule wardrobe isn’t for everyone, but it can be super beneficial in helping you find your personal style and saving money all year long.

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