Make Money

Income Goal Unlocked: I Met Income Goal (x2)

Last month, I bragged about how I doubled my income using my side hustles. I knocked it out of the ball park again this month, and my last income report seemed quite popular, so I’ll disclose again how much I made in the past month or so.

For those of you who were reading at the beginning of the year, you’ll recall that my income goal was to make an extra $1,000 per month in side income. After a few months of achieving this goal without challenging myself, I increased the goal to $1,500.


Amazing Gif via Mashable

I’ve been able to consistently make well over $1,500 per month in side income on top of the income I make from working at my day job.

The breakdown for this month has been as follows:

– Online work (commenting, staff writing, ghost writing) for various bloggers and websites – $1,104.18

– Blog activity – all blogs/websites (Adsense, advertising, affiliate, blog consulting, etc) – $992.97 

– Rent from my brother (a good passive income idea) – $750.00

– Babysitting – $210

Total: $3057.15


I didn’t make as much this month as I did during the last, but I still consider this a huge success. For some reason, I was making a lot less on Adsense for my sites. I’m beginning to reconsider having it on my sites, as the decrease in earnings has made it considerably less worth it.

In last month’s post, I mentioned that I was going to quit my babysitting gig. I gave them notice for October, but may still pick up a shift here and there. I enjoy watching the kids, but it was getting a bit much when the parents were asking me to stay until 1:00 AM three times per week. I had to remind them that I do have a career (not to mention a life outside of work that needs TLC)  and that my day job was my main priority.

Side income is nice, but luckily I have my day job to pay my bills, fund my retirement account (and provide me with a pension), and let me save for a rainy day.

My side income goes straight into either meeting goals (travel, emergency fund savings goals, and others) or back into other income producing ventures. I suppose soon we’ll have to create a wedding fund, though it won’t have to be huge. There are a few different ways to save on weddings, which we’ve been discussing. It will be a joint account, as well.

How do you allocate your side income? Do you have an income goal?

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  1. Nice job! I don’t think I’ll ever be able to handle all the blog and other online work that you do. Really cool to see that it’s paying off for you 🙂 Most of my side income is from my part time job teaching, and I put all of those earnings into buying tech stocks like Google, Cisco, and Qualcomm.

  2. Congrats on hitting your income goal. How many hours per week would you say that you are putting into your various side hustles? I hit my income goal for the year, but I’m always interested in seeing how other people make their money online.

  3. Day job or not, your side hustle is giving you some pretty nice results. So happy to see your success, it shows us all that ‘passive income’ is not something impossible to achieve. And you can surely use the extra-money 🙂

  4. Wow that’s amazing. I still haven’t tapped into the affiliate income as much as I’d like. Hopefully I’ll learn a thing or two from fincon because I’m just having trouble in that area.

  5. This is awesome! My side income has dropped in the past few months as I fell out of blogging but now I am excited to get back into it. Not exactly sure how I am going to do it but I would like to get in the $2,000/month of side income club :).

  6. Congrats!! It can be hard sometimes to give up the money from a side job, but you have to weigh the income against the time it takes. Staying up and out until 1am three times a week would certainly take its toll on me!

    I use my income in a few ways: most of it get reinvested back into the business. The rest goes towards a rental property down payment and investing.

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