
Morning Routine With Kids

Children can add excitement to any household. Sometimes, the excitement and hecticness in the morning time may be unwelcomed. Lets face it, a morning routine with kids is hectic. It can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for parents. The main reason being, there is a lot to do and there is typically a time constraint. So how can this go any easier for us parents? Lets take a look.

Be Proactive

When you know what has to be done, get as much done beforehand as possible. I like to get a few things ready the night before after the kids go to bed. For example, I put the kids backpacks on the chairs by the door so they can grab them on the way out. I make sure that their folders and homework are where they should be. I also try to pack their lunch as much as I can. I may put some snacks in that don’t require refrigeration. I also try to pick out their outfits and lay them out. I even gather their shoes and put them next to their clothes so we don’t have to have a treasure hunt for them in the morning. I tend to even get up before the kids so I have a chance to make sure I can get my head on straight. If I wake up with the kids, I feel like it is a whirlwind. It tends to make me not feel focused and often forgetful. The more you can check off your list before they awake the better.


Breakfast can be tough, especially if your kids aren’t morning people. I like to give my kids a nutritious meal to start their day so don’t want to just stick a pop tart in their mouth and call it a day. If I am on my A game I may make them some eggs or pancakes prior to them even getting up. Again, allowing them more time to sleep  which is good for everyone involved. Make sure to feed them a nice meal and drink along with their daily vitamins. The less distractions the better at the table. Don’t let them sit there with their laptops comparing apples to apples Ohio or watching their morning television on their ipads. Let them know that breakfast means business. Eat and be done.  


The dreaded hygiene aspect of having kids! I have small children so I typically have them bathe in the evening rather than in the morning. Tooth brushing always has to happen but that is always a fight as well. The key to sanity is making things into a game or more fun for the kids so it can be done effortlessly without a struggle. Timers, or fun toothbrushes can do this for you.

As I previously mentioned, the morning routine can be stressful with children. The key to making it go smoothly is to be prepared and do what you without them. Move their little selves along so you can get to daycare, school or work in a timely manner. 

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