
Top Money Saving Tech Tools

7910370882_39d180fb66_zWe all need a little help sometimes when it comes to budgeting and organizing finances. Long gone are the days of piled up paper bank statements and handwritten lists; in today’s digital age it’s all about online banking, handy apps, cash back sites, comparison sites, and informative websites that offer money-saving tips. Here are some of the best money-saving tools, and how they can help you to stay organized and on budget.

Comparison Sites

Comparison sites are websites that will compare a range of products and services, most commonly car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, travel insurance, hotel rates and flights. There are so many comparison sites online that you almost need a comparison site to choose your comparison site! However, don’t be put off with all the choices, these sites can actually help to save you big bucks and lots of time too. As long as you pick a site that doesn’t take commission, these sites will quickly and efficiently scour the web for the best deals going and then present them to you in an easy-to-view list.


There are literally thousands of apps that relate to finances that are available to download on the iOS or Android Platform. These apps allow you to have a host of information and clever technology at the tip of your fingertips. They also make it easy to keep all of your finances in track, or to view all of your accounts and bills in one go. Some of the most famous apps include Level Money, Mint, Spendee, Expense Manager and Goodbudget. Check out the listings in your phone’s app store to see new releases and popular finance apps that could help to save you money. A lot of these apps are even free to use!

Cash back Sites

Cash back sites have gained popularity in the last couple of years, with many savvy shoppers now using them every time that they make an online purchase. The way they work is simple, when you buy something online some of the time you will have been led there (often unknowingly) by an advertiser. Although this makes no difference to the price of your purchase, what it does mean is that the advertiser will get a small percentage of your sale, or a commission, from the company that supplies the products. Cash back sites caught onto this scheme and realized that everyday shoppers could act as their own advertisers and effectively score commissions on purchases that they make. It doesn’t cost anything, and all you need to do is to click on the website you want to shop at through your cash back site. The cookies will enable the site to make note of your purchase and pay you your commission in due time. From flights and hotels to grocery shopping and insurance, you can save a huge amount on products and services by using a Cash back site.

These are just three of the many ways that you can save money and remain true to your budget and your financial goals this year.

What are some other ways you use technology to save?

Photo courtesy of: Jason Howie

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  1. I am not wise when it comes to the area of cashback websites for I realize that with living overseas and have to order a lot of goods online, I could be utilizing these programs to my advantage. My girlfriend swears by it and I decided for the short time I have left in Japan I am going to see if I can really rack up on some deals. Wish me luck!

  2. The internet is one of the best money saving tech tools! It is so easy to comparison shop and to find coupon codes with easy searches.

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