
Can a Master’s Degree in Education Really Launch Your Career?

collegeIf you have ever considered studying education, you must have thought about this a hundred times. With the long list of professional degrees that are available today, does it even make sense to opt for a master of education in learning program? Is it a waste of time?

The answers to those questions are yes, it does make sense to study education even in this time and age, and no, it isn’t a waste of time.

In order to properly understand the answer, you will need to go through the following points.

The Right Degree

Choosing the right degree is particularly essential here as you do not want to waste precious years on something that doesn’t help your career in any way. The online MELCD degree that is being offered at Rutgers Online is the kind of program that you want to enroll yourself into for a number of reasons.

A MELCD stands for Master of Education in Learning, Cognition, and Development program, it will teach you about the very core of how people think, learn, adapt, and develop in any given environment. This is true in any field of education, irrespective of who or what you are trying to teach.

Take the Course Online

This is a practical suggestion based on the fact that in order to truly launch your career in any given field, it is best if you also pursue a professional or specialization program on the side. For example, if you have an MBA as well as a MELCD degree, you will do exceptionally well as a corporate trainer and your salary will be significantly higher. I

f you want to teach subjects to children at school or young adults at a college, you will most definitely need education in the respective subjects. The flexibility of schedule which an online course offers to its students makes it possible for them to pursue two or more courses simultaneously, thereby saving years in the process. Also, the courses are cheaper and allow their students the time to hold a job on the side. It’s basically a win-win scenario in most cases.

Career Paths

In spite of what your peers may tell you, the value of someone who knows how to teach is always going to be there in every field. If you are looking for specific career paths or prospects that you can look forward to after completing your master’s degree in education, the following should help you get an idea of what to expect.

  • School teacher and school principal
  • Instructional coordinator/curriculum director
  • Education administrator, athletics administrator, alumni director at a university
  • Dean, assistant dean
  • Adult educator
  • Corporate trainer

In case you already have a bachelor in education, going for a master’s degree is a no-brainer. Not only will it increase your prestige and knowledge as a teacher but it will also add a substantial amount to your annual salary as well. Just make sure that it’s a good program from a well-known university.

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