
Dog Day Care: 5 Tips for Running the Best in Town

When your dog is like family, you’re more than willing to treat them that way.

Many dog breeds don’t do Well being left alone for hours at a time, and even dogs who are used to spending minimal hours alone could benefit from socializing during the day.

If you want to better serve the dog parents of your community, here are five tips for running the best dog day care in town.

1. Expand Your Services

Some of the most basic services a daycare can offer are daily walks and play time with staff and other dogs, but you could be leaving a lot of cash on the table if that’s all you’re offering. Walks and playtime should be the most basic package, but there are plenty of other additions you could charge extra for. Things like extra treats, training, or one-on-one time with staff.

You can also offer grooming services. This will make things more convenient for pet parents, and it’s also a great way to offer services to pet owners who don’t currently use your day care. You may want to expand your spa services and retail offerings, like cbd oil for dogs, to help owners take better care of their dogs at home.

2. Prioritize Safety

When you bring a group of dogs together, all from different backgrounds, and all with different temperaments and needs, there’s bound to be a little discord. It’s important that you establish a process for accepting new dogs to make sure everyone involved is kept safe. Some dogs don’t do well with new people, and even the sweetest of dogs could bite if they’re stressed and feel cornered. It’s a good idea to give new dogs a trial period with both staff and one or two other dogs to see how they do under the supervision of a trained professional.

3. Hire the Best

Since your staff will be with dogs all day every day, it’s important that you hire carefully. People with experience, and people who love dogs, are more likely to foster a healthy and fun environment for your clients. Plus, it’s important that your staff know how to calm anxious dogs or deal with injuries or other emergencies. It’ll be near impossible for you to keep track of so many dogs by yourself, and letting your staff take charge of a handful of dogs each makes sure every dog gets enough attention. Parents love getting report cards at the end of the day, especially if they’re monitoring behavior for any issues. 

4. Make a Schedule

It can be beneficial for dogs and people alike to have a regular schedule. The dogs will learn to expect certain activities, and their humans will enjoy knowing what their pups are up to during the day. Bonus points if you install a live puppy cam that parents can access while at work. Schedule plenty of time for exercise, naps, and one-on-one time for the more anxious pups.

5. Market Your Business

In order to run the best dog day care around, people need to know about you! One of the best types of marketing is word of mouth, so making sure you can provide the best care for your dogs is a great start. You can ask your clients to leave reviews, but you can also provide a few clever marketing tools for a low cost. Take themed photos of dogs to send home to their parents, who will then post to social media for you. Learn how to manage your social media pages, how to run ads, and consider partnering with your local vets or pet stores. 

Running a dog day care can be an incredibly rewarding career, but it can be difficult to make your business stand out among the competition. When you prioritize your clients, your services, and learning new marketing techniques, you can build your client base steadily over time and establish the best dog day care in town.

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