
BlogHer 2013 & Reaching Some Goals

Earlier this year I’d planned to go to BlogHer with Marissa, and booked the time off at the beginning of the year in anticipation of the conference. Then some things happened at work which made it difficult for me to get time off, so I accepted that it was my fate to miss it.

The week before last, the vacation slots that I was trying to book earlier in the year opened up for the week before/weekend of BlogHer 2013. I quickly booked the time and am now excited to say that (if I get a ticket) I’ll be going to BlogHer!


I pretty much have to get a ticket, because if i don’t then I’ll be in Chicago for a few days. So because I’m cheap and don’t want to pay full price, hopefully I can find somebody that wants to get rid of theirs before the regular rates sell out.

Regardless what happens, I’m flying into Toronto on Saturday July 20, because the next day Marissa and I are going on an adventure to Niagara for a FAM trip. Then we’re coming back to TO and I’ll be catching a ride with Marissa and her crew to Chicago for the conference. If anyone is going and needs a roommate let me know. I haven’t booked my hotel yet (I’m a procrastinator), and am cool staying by myself but would definitely rather have a roomie for moral support (read: because I’m an alone-o-phobic at conferences).

I’m glad I decided to do this because it helps me meet a few different goals:

1. Travel

One of my 2013 goals was to travel, and while I wanted to get out of North America, this is still travelling. I have never been to Toronto before, nor have I been to Niagara or Chicago. More notable is that I’ve never in my life traveled alone.I’ll be flying alone, staying in hotels alone, and I’ll have a couple of days in Toronto all alone.

I don’t know if I’ll like travelling alone or if I’ll hate it, but it’s completely out of my comfort zone and I’m sure I’ll suffer a panic attack or two while I’m doing it. But you know what? That’s a good thing. I love my comfort zone and rarely push myself out of it, so if anything I’ll grow from it.

2. Stop Being An Anti-Social Freak

Those of you who have met me would probably be surprised to hear this, but I get super anxious with social situations in which I don’t know anyone (though this completely changes if I’m with a group of people who I am not familiar with, but who also aren’t familiar with each other. Then I’m completely fine).

I love getting together with friends, but I rarely put myself out there and be the first one to make plans, and I tend to opt out of a lot of the things I’m invited to or have the opportunity to do, so this is completely different for me.

It’s actually really embarrassing to admit that I react this way to, well, anything. I think it all comes down to my comfort zone  again, and the more I put myself into situations like this, the more comfortable I’ll be in them.

3. Network

The goal of being more social, and my goal of networking were both in my head but I didn’t share them with the blog. The main reason for this is because I feel like they aren’t very measurable, and I should just be taking opportunities as they arise.

I never really felt that my blog(s) fit in with the FINCON crowd, and blogging conferences in area are usually so specialized on a topic and during a week day. For people that actually have jobs, that doesn’t work. Since I write for a few blogs on more than just financial topics, I think BlogHer is a good fit for the types of things I want to expand my knowledge base on. Plus, I hear you get a ton of free Swagger, so that’s cool. Plus, it’s in Chicago which is apparently a pretty awesome city.


I’m excited/nervous and feel like I need to start scouring the blogosphere for those posts that almost every blogger seems to have about minimalist packing, since I plan to bring a small suitcase 🙂

What conferences are you going to this year?

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  1. Travelling alone is actually pretty awesome. Scary at first but I bet you’ll find it exhilarating! I must admit there are plenty of moments on this trip I’ve wished I was alone, haha. Enjoy Chicago and Blogher!

  2. First hopefully you get the ticket and find someone to share the room with. I am a loner as well and one thing I need to do is go out and meet more people. Networking is something we all need to be doing more of. As far as travel I havent done anything so far this year. I need to get on taking the family somewhere nice and relaxing. How much are the regular price tickets?

  3. That’s awesome, and you’ll have a great time in all those places! The first time I traveled alone was I think 3 years ago. I flew to Yorkton, SK for a film festival and I was scared but it turned out to be so much fun and I made friends because with things like that and conferences, lots of other people just go alone too (no one brings a gaggle of friends plus everyone WANTS to network so it’s nice and easy).

  4. That’s awesome you are going to BlogHer’13! I tend to be an Anti-Social Freak too (you can imgaine how nervous I was to meet you, Cait, and Jess the first time!) but I’m starting to tell myself that it’s important I put myself out there more or I might miss fun opportunities…

  5. Yes, traveling alone is scary the first few days. Then, there comes a point you don’t care anymore. I’m also the type of person who is not that social, especially in larger groups, and *especially* in larger groups where I don’t know anybody.
    It doesn’t mean though you should hold out on traveling alone! I traveled by myself for a month in Asia (China and Japan). The first few days were scary and it was strange and not that great. But in the end, it was pretty much the best holiday ever. I met many new people on my trip. You are your own mistress of your schedule. Want to stay in bed all morning? No cranky travel buddies who will be waiting on you to move your ass! 😉 No big money discussions/problems/frustrations (naturally people have different spending priorities and this is something which can definitely lead to frustrations etc., even when traveling with good friends).

  6. Travel can be fantastically fun!

    I think I’m the victim of number 2 now and again as well. Being super social, especially in groups of strangers, can be a huge challenge.

    Have an awesome time travelling. The weather for Toronto next weekend is looking pretty good!

  7. I don’t like unfamiliar social situations either, they take so much energy. Kudos to you for stepping outside your comfort zone, it take guts! I think there are some definite pros to travelling alone – you call the shots! I hope to hear about your adventures at BlogHer

  8. Wow, I do believe that I hadn’t realized until you brought it up that I have never traveled alone before. Well, if you count when I was 15 and flew to my aunts, but that’s hardly going it alone when Mom and Auntie delivered me to and from the plane door! I’m old – no tight security back then!

    I hope you enjoy the trip and love to hear about people tackling those situations that make them uncomfortable. It really helps all of us!

  9. In the past, when I left my comfort zone, I couldn’t stand the feeling of uncomfort and insecurity. I was afraid of being hurt, embarassed, or even worse – failure. The fear of failing has always controlled my life in every aspect. The best example I can give of this fear takes place about 13 years ago. I had a huge crush on a wonderful girl, and we got along great as friends. I thought about asking her out but Mr Fear said, “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!”. One of my best friends and former roomates Frankie asked me if I had asked this girl out, as I had already bought her a concert ticket. I told him no that I was too afraid of when she rejected me. Well, lucky for me, Frankie was militant and had a passion for making sure people used all of their gifts given to them to the best of their abilities. I remember to this day what he told me…”Do you want to spend the rest of your life alone?” We gathered like junior high kids asking a girl to the homecoming dance and I called her with Frankie coaching me. I had an odd way of asking her out, but the point is I realized at that moment I didn’t want to be alone all of my life. She accepted the invitation and long story short I’ve been married to this wonderful woman for 8 years now!

  10. I’m quite an anti-social freak myself. I’ll try and think of excuses not to go to certain things where I barely know anybody. What’s even worse sometimes I’ll get anxiety thinking about these events where I barely know anybody and nobody will talk to me. Lol. It is nice to know there are more of us out there.

    I went to Chicago 4 years ago with the bf. It’s a great city. Be sure to try some deep dish pizza.

  11. I think it’s human nature to want to have or be what we aren’t or don’t have. It’s a tricky thing to learn to be content. I am not an introvert, but I certainly love my alone time alot more than some people I know. I guess you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone more, but I’m sure extroverts have their own other types of challenges.

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