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How I’m Doing on my Weight Loss Challenge (& What It Means for My Finances)

Under two months ago, I wrote a post about a new challenge that I had set for myself:

I am challenging myself to lose 18 lbs in 90 days.

I wrote this post three days before my long-term boyfriend and common law partner made me his fiancé, and since I’m all for embracing motivation when you have it, his proposal came at a great time.

I know myself, and know that if I wasn’t already motivated to kick these stubborn pounds to the curb pre-proposal, I wouldn’t be motivated to get in shape for a wedding.

Terrible treadmill photo - but hey, I took it!
Terrible treadmill photo – but hey, I took it!

A bit of background about how this goal came to fruition:

When my partner and I moved here in 2010, I gained a solid fifteen pounds. I don’t know how much I gained right off the bat, versus how much I gained in the years of “getting settled in”, but when I first decided that I was too heavy for my own liking, I weighed far more than I was comfortable with. I’m 5’3″ on a good day, and on my small frame, I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin.

I started losing in August of 2011, and dropped 22 pounds between the start of my lifestyle change and February, 2012. I started a new job, moved to a different city, and had a lot to celebrate around that time, so I derailed my weight loss and gained 7 lbs back between then and around April 2013.

While I’m happy I didn’t gain all the weight back, I was beating myself up for slipping back into some of my old eating habits, and fixed my attitude about healthy eating and working out just slightly.

I didn’t pay attention to the scales at this point, and apparently over the course of a few months of home ownership (hauling bricks, raking, mowing lawns, pulling weeds, painting, etc), dropped a few more of those pounds.

This brought me to September, when I decided I wanted to challenge myself to be the healthiest I’ve ever been.

My Progress

I started September off with this challenge, and a very specific plan as to how to get there. I set a reminder on my phone to let me know when I was halfway through, and then again when I was at day 60. I was at day 60 just a few days ago, and that means that I’m 2/3 of the way through my challenge.

As of right now, I’ve lost 9 lbs from the start of my challenge. 

That’s only half of what I wanted to lose in 90 days, and if I want to meet my goal, I’ll have to step it up. However, I think I may need to re-evaluate.

I am now in the 144 lb range, and considering that I am barely even in the overweight range of the BMI calculation, it is not safe for me to lose 9 lbs in 30 days.

A more realistic goal would be to lose 4 lbs in 30 days, or around a pound per week.

My Finances


Weight loss and money do not go hand in hand. I walked into the office the other day, and one of my co-workers told me that I was swimming in my pants.

I bought the dress pants that I was wearing when I was around 13 lbs heavier than I am right now. I know 13 lbs isn’t all that much, but remember, I’m 5’3. When I originally purchased the pants, they were a little loose, so now, they are downright baggy.

I’ve been living in dresses since that comment, because I don’t want to look unprofessional in baggy pants, but even my dresses are getting a little loose, particularly around the chest and ribcage area.

Sooner rather than later, I will have to buy at least a few new work outfits. I am trying to hold out until I get to my goal weight so I’m not spending twice, but it’s very difficult.


I find that, as I eat better and more healthy foods, I have also gained some interest in organic and locally grown food. Since I have been so healthy, I don’t want to be putting chemicals into my body. These are a bit more expensive, but I’m eating less and eating virtually no processed foods, so my food bill is only a little bit more than prior to my challenge.


Confidence = priceless (haha, sorry – had to do it).

I’m not 100% happy with my body yet. I still have a ways to go, even just with toning. I was so confident after losing the weight that I did back in 2011, and since I’m so much lighter now, you’d think I’d be even more so. But it’s a work in progress.

I’ve always been a fairly confident person, but there are always going to be things that I will want to change about myself (not necessarily in appearance). I feel way better about myself now that I’m a more comfortable weight.


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  1. Congratulations on your progress so far! That is awesome 🙂 Don’t worry too much over having to buy new clothes – you may have to spend a little out of pocket now to get back into clothes that fit properly, but you’re saving yourself money in the long run by creating a healthier you!

  2. I can only agree about the confidence being priceless. That is first and foremost out of all that you can be happy about losing unwanted pounds. To your continued success in getting in shape. Cheers!

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