

Growing up Poor has been a challenge for many, which is not just a challenge in the initial phase of life but also a challenge in the upcoming years of life. Moreover, it keeps us covered with the thoughts that life is hard and that earning money is not everyone’s cup of tea. Being poor is not a matter of income or how others perceive us. However, the limitations in childhood and not even using the money on necessary things make the poverty mindset even more powerful. 

The poverty mindset is a way of thinking that causes us to see the world through a set of filters that make encountering difficulty almost inevitable. The key feature of this form of thinking is an internal sense of lack – a belief you do not have in yourself, not just as it relates to money but life in general. The negative part of the poverty mindset is that it helps create negative self-worth, which is usually born out of lack.

How Poverty Mindset develops

A poverty mindset is a belief system that locks you into the limitations you believe are restricting you and your life. You see yourself as being poor with few choices in life, making it hard for you to break free from self-imposed patterns of failure and unhappiness. 

  • Poverty is a mindset that makes us see the world through our own experiences and limits our growth and potential. 
  • A poverty Mindset is a series of beliefs holding us back. Under its influence, we come up with all sorts of reasons why we shouldn’t pursue our money dreams — believing the world is full of scarcity and that when one person goes up, someone else has to go down. 
  • Poverty Mindsets make us fearful, self-doubting and sabotaging our best efforts to make more money. 
  • It’s easy to get into a rut and start saying things like: ‘I don’t make enough money or ‘I wish I had more time, but this thinking will keep an individual poor and frustrated. 
  • All one needs to do is believe that it exists and then develop an action plan on how to access it.

Humans are deeply affected by the way they think. Thoughts become seeds that grow into beliefs and attitudes. And attitudes and beliefs lead to a life of struggle or abundance, happiness and joy. This is where growing up in poverty affects humans because of how they were handled in childhood with limited resources.

Tips to Overcome the Poverty Mindset

To completely rid yourself of the symptoms of the Poverty Mindset, you will have to address your beliefs and change your thinking. Changing our beliefs is the hardest part of any exercise to improve ourselves, but it is also the most rewarding. Challenging and changing our thoughts requires us to not only look at what we believe but to challenge them and take responsibility for them.

1.Being Responsible and Mature

The first step to improving your money situation is to admit you have a problem. You were not born to be broke. You were born to prosper; however, it’s easy for you to get caught up in consumerism which creates financial irresponsibility. Moreover, stop blaming others. Instead start taking actions to improve your present and future rather than worrying about what happened in the past.

2.Have an Ambition in your Life

With a famous saying, “It’s not your fault if you are born poor, but it’s your fault if you die poor”. Now,  The conclusion that we can take from here is that Those who have ambition tend to be people who are willing to put in the hard work. They do not dream, but they do strive. And then the day comes when they are on the verge of achieving success.

3.Start hanging up with Successful People.

One of the characteristics of a poverty mindset is keeping only with people who are like them. The stuck-in-poverty attitude is typified by pessimism, a low view of self-esteem, passiveness, always expecting failure and feeling overwhelmed. Start working with rich people and adopt their ideologies to see how they do things differently.

4.Always be Grateful for what you have.

Gratitude is a concept most of us have heard about quite a bit. It is the attitude of being thankful for everything good in our lives, no matter how big or small. A person with a poor mindset will always cry for what he isn’t having. However, a successful and wealthy person will be grateful for what he has

5.Stop being Jealous of others’ success.

Always remember that one way to improve a poverty mindset. And to stop thinking negatively about other people’s success and wealth. But sometime in the future or will blame their lack of success on a negative view of successful people. So, instead of feeling jealous about other people’s wealth; Learn to appreciate other successful individuals, learn from their financial prosperity, and work hard to achieve the same result someday.

Wrapping Up

With the poverty mindset, you are waiting for someone to rescue you and only thinking about what does not work. A person with a wealth mindset creates a reality in which they are in charge of their destiny. They understand that they can create opportunities that lead them to success.

It is almost as if we feel we don’t deserve anything better. And by trying to help ourselves and improve our lives, we are not doing anything wrong. Poverty mindset destructive beliefs are mainly formed during childhood. As when we lose our self-esteem because we didn’t receive love from our parents. But some thoughts can be added later by others who choose to contribute to our problem areas and weaknesses.

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