
Smart Auto Technology Is Changing How We Drive & Saving Money

Smart technology and the Internet of Things are changing the way we think about auto safety. The U.S. Department of Transportation believes connected cars could be a valuable tool in stopping auto accidents. Here are just a few ways our vehicles are becoming more connected in today’s world. 

Accident Reduction

One of the primary reasons more people are embracing connected cars is avoiding accidents. Driver assist features like forward-collision warning, collision-mitigation braking, lane-departure warning, lane-assistance keeping, and reduce the chance of a crash. These features are usually offered as part of a ‘Tech Sensor’ package. Auto insurance companies are incentivizing drivers to embrace security tech by owning cars with these technologies. Many drivers see a reduction in their insurance rates thanks to assisted driving tech. 

Traffic Efficiency

It’s not only the automobile industry that is using connected vehicles to make the roads safer. A study from the U.S. Department of Transportation revealed that connected vehicles could reduce traffic delays by as much as 17%. Apps like Google Maps can predict traffic conditions and help drivers find alternative routes to avoid congestion. Technology like this is often built-in to many cars with a GPS guidance system. The idea is that connected cars may change the way we drive towards efficiency, rather than habit. 

Fuel Consumption

The impact of driving routes based on efficiency rather than habit means you can save on your monthly budget for gas. Idling in traffic wastes gas and is directly responsible for atmospheric pollution. Smart tech in cars is estimated to save about 5% in fuel costs by avoiding traffic jams and other idle situations. Other companies are embracing the idea of saving at the pump by crowdfunding gasoline prices. GasBuddy offers a crowdfunded way to see local gas prices without having to drive around. All of these methods of reducing fuel consumption add up to savings in your pocket over the long term. 

Telematics Devices

Many auto insurance companies offer telematic devices to track a user’s driving habits. The device taps into your vehicle’s computer systems to transmit data about how you’re performing. These devices can be used to incentivize good driving and alternatively, to penalize bad driving. Most of these programs are opt-in for now, but they could become standard for auto insurance in the future. Devices like this share information about when you’re using your car, distance driven, and the amount of time you spend driving. Hard braking and speed are also transmitted and can be indicators of risk. 

Heads Up Displays

Some modern cars offer a small version of a heads-up display that provides useful information for the driver. With GPS and Bluetooth becoming integral parts of driving, having access to information is equally important. Augmented reality dashboards can display vital information to the driver while keeping their eyes on the road. Most accidents happen when a driver is momentarily distracted by something else in their car. Keeping this information front and center can keep distracted driving to a minimum, which leads back into point one. Accident reduction can be the number one reason why smart tech in your vehicle helps you save money. 

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