Make Money

Vintage Post: Why We Don’t Combine Our Finances

Since switching from Blogger to WordPress, one of the things I’ve missed the most is having my old posts hanging out on this domain. So every once in awhile, I’ll post a vintage post. These posts were written months, sometimes even over a year ago and were never on this blog. It’s interesting to see how things change in a year!

January 16, 2011

As of right now, the boyfriend & I have been together for 3 1/2 + years, and have lived together for over 2 1/2. We have separate finances.

Here’s why we don’t combine our finances:

First of all, we’re not married. We will be some day and when we are, I’m sure we will combine finances for the most part. I’m not against combining finances in the least bit. For J and I, it might be the right thing to do, it might not. We’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it, and we’re going to be traditional and not even get to that bridge until we’re married.

Secondly, he makes a lot more money than I ever have. I am not embarrassed to admit that, when I did have a full-time job, I made about one third of what he did. He made around $30/hr, while I made around $10-$11/hr. I don’t think it would be fair to him if we combined finances while he’s making so much more, as I think he’d be scared to spend what he wants to spend because he knows I can’t. On top of the staggeringly little amount of money I did make, I used to be terrible with money. Which brings me to my third point:

I used to be reckless with my money. I know! Surprise! I think that’s what made me smarten up. My past with money has made it so that I used to spend without any sort of inhibition. I had two credit cards both maxed out (around $3,000 worth of credit card debt). I would feel terrible if he could contribute to our bank account every month, and had to deal with my financial liabilities. So, even though now I’ve smartened up a ton financially, I get fairly uneasy with him being able to save more than me.

Last but not least, we’re not even close to being on the same page financially. While I have taken to saving every last dime, he saves simply because he doesn’t have much to spend money on. While he likes to go out & buy tools, I have to spend money on tuition.

While I budget, make goals, and look at the long run, he lives day to day. While I want to start an RRSP, savings accounts, and investments, he just wants all the money sitting in his checking account. We’re both saving for a common goal, which is to buy a home, but even with that common goal, we’re still not on the same page.

But because of these things, when we combine finances, I want to be on the same page. He has an RRSP from his employer, but he doesn’t contribute any more to it. He doesn’t get the whole emergency fund thing, but he has savings anyway which are liquid, so I just refer to that as his emergency fund. Guys.. he doesn’t even know about this blog. I know. I’m a terrible girlfriend for not telling him about something that I write in every day, but I don’t think he’d be very interested in it, and I’m okay with that.

But if we’re not on the same page financially now, what about later on? We have no dependants, but when we have kids, we’ll have to be on the same page financially. He’s a fairly flexible guy. I’m sure if I want to save up $10,000 above our EF’s & other savings before we have kids, I’m sure he’ll be fine with that and work with me to get there. He understands my financial situation, and also understands my need to be independent from him – I want to be able to pay my own bills, pay my own tuition, etc. and he respects that. So, for now, it’s not for us.

Do you & your boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other combine finances? Why or why not?

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  1. Nice blog, just checked it out. Anyway, for this vintage post, my comment is that it seems like you’re totally taking a great approach to finances at this point. You both aren’t married, and are in different financial situations, so your reasons make sense to me. Good to be thinking of these things now.

  2. My bf & I don’t have combined finances (yet). Mostly because we don’t live together, but also because we’re both still students and don’t have that much to begin with. I’m teaching him more about investing what he has though 😛

  3. My ex and I never combined finances. I wanted to when we moved into our second condo together, but he was unwilling.. Now that we’re broke up I’m really glad we didn’t. I never even managed to get all of my stuff back from him, I can’t even imagine the pain in the ass it would have been to split finances! Especially since by the time we broke up I had more assets than him =p

  4. The bf and i don’t live together but I have been thinking about how finances will work when we eventually move in/get married. Right now (or when you wrote this post rather!) I’m in the same boat as you – I make about a third what he does at his job! I secretly think he should pay for more because of this but at the same time, it’s not his fault I make less. Basically we just split things down the middle. We’re pretty technical too – like if we take a trip, we make a budget and contribute exactly the same amount. It just works! I’m hoping when we eventually get married, we’ll pool our money as a percentage of income. So whoever makes more has a bit more spending money to play with 🙂

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