Make Money

2014 Goals: July Progress

I’m still reeling from the crazy month that was July. I don’t think I have ever in my entire life had such a crazy, busy, and awesome month.

At the beginning of July, I switched work sites at my old job so I was within a 15 minute walk from my house. That was short-lived, though, because two weeks later I wrapped up two and a half years there to switch jobs after my wedding.

I got married, started my new and improved job, and spent some much needed down time with my (huge, loud) family and new husband.

August will be a much quieter month, and already we have been getting caught up on some projects that we let fall to the wayside over the past few months of wedding planning.

good goals for 2014

Despite the madness, I still did fairly well on my 2014 goals.

Lose 15 Lbs

After the wedding I have been indulging myself a bit more but I still think that I’m on track to reach my goal of losing 15 pounds by the end of the year. I am down roughly 10 since the beginning, so that’s good news. I just have to refocus myself and stay away from the ice cream, which is a challenge most of the time let alone in the summer.

$20,000 Online Income

July was my best month so far in 2014, ringing in at $2,644.94 total online earnings.

The increase is mainly due to a huge order for an e-commerce store I recently opened. This total does not take into account any expenses incurred in order to make the money. I can imagine that I would have made a lot more had I been around to put some more time and attention into it.

In January, I made just over $1,600; in February, I made $1627; in March, I made $1375.35; in April I made $1678.33; in May, I made $1533.82; in June I made $1978.42.

Overall in 2014, my extra online income has totalled: $12,437.86.

If I average out my earnings over the past seven months, I am on track to surpass my goal of $20K online by $1,320. Not bad!

1 Hour/Day Unplugged

I spent far more than an hour a day unplugged over the month of July. In fact, I’d say that I spent very little time on the internet or using technology in general. I was too busy wedding planning and coordinating and then, spending time with my new husband.

This was far too easy in July.

Plus, I wasn’t focused enough to type a coherent sentence, so I didn’t spend much time writing on my blogs.

Get a Promotion

I didn’t get a promotion at my old job because there was no new opportunities coming down the pipe. I did, however, switch jobs and promote myself. I am now earning substantially more doing a far more rewarding job for an organization that is a far better fit for me.


Overall, July was a great month. Now that I don’t have a wedding to plan, and I have a little bit more time and free money  (at least in August, before we go on our month long honeymoon) to focus on saving and building the online empire, I have thought of another goal to work toward for the remainder of 2014.

I’ll post about that either later on this week or early next week.

Stay tuned!

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  1. Best wishes! Wedding really made an impact on your decision leaving your dead-end job. By the way, your July has been really that awesome considering after so many preparations for your wedding. Then, then the month has opened you so many opportunities and given you goals! I wish I could also switch jobs, I know for sure, it takes you a leap of faith to do that! Looking forward to your post about “building an online empire”. Goodluck!

  2. Ahhh way to go, Daisy! You’re making excellent progress in all of your goals – can’t wait to hear what the new one is. Hope your August is relaxing and that you have a great time on your honeymoon 🙂

  3. Wow Daisy, you are doing a great job in achieving your goals! I hope you have scheduled some down time (besides being unplugged for 1 hr) to sit around and relax! By the way, I love the new look and the colors 😀

    1. Now that the wedding planning is all over, we can just relax on weekends and get together with friends instead of scramble around.

      Thank you – it was hard work but I think it looks great.

  4. These sounds like great goals. And hopefully your honeymoon is relaxing and you don’t have to focus on unplugging. And great job with your earnings for the month. that is awesome!

    1. Our honeymoon is to a place where plugging in won’t even be an option so it will definitely be good progress on my goal.

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